
  1. 在用cairo进行绘图时,最简单的操作就像手工绘画时一样:选择绘图介质,选择画笔,选择颜色,考虑线条的布局,然后进行实际绘制。

    When drawing with cairo , the simplest operations are akin to choosing your medium , selecting a brush , choosing a color , thinking about the line placement , then actually drawing the lines .

  2. 您是用拓印的还是手工绘画?

    Is it lithographic or handmade-painting that you put to use ?

  3. 解剖在线的图解在你述及疾病之病理时,已取代手工绘画人体系统略图的需要,因为我们已经为您描绘出正常的剖析图了。

    Anatomical Line Drawings eliminates the need to manually sketch the body system as related to the pathology of disease-we 've drawn the normal anatomy for you .

  4. 学校自编教材,通过儿歌,歌舞表演,游戏,手工,绘画,拼图拼字等多种形式进行教学。

    Teach with the materials compiled by school . A lot of multi media material , with songs , games , drawing , puzzle , dancing and handcraft .

  5. 创意手工课程旨在通过手工、绘画等艺术手法教会学生手工课的基本词汇、基本步骤等。

    Fun Art aimed at teaching the students basic English through art , drawing , painting and so on .