
  • 网络silver blue;Beijing enamel ware
  1. Pixel系列将会有12.7厘米和14厘米两种尺寸,以及黑银蓝三种颜色。

    Pixel will come in two sizes , 12.7 centimeters and 14 centimeters , and three colors , black , silver and blue .

  2. 人工控光对银蓝狐精液生产和品质的影响

    Effect of Artificial Photoperiod Control on Semen Producting and Semen Quality of Fox

  3. 只见一座塔楼耸入屋顶,塔楼半空露出一扇亮着灯光的窗户,白色的帘幕后面莎拉身穿一套漂亮的银蓝二色裙子在等待罗德力戈。罗德力戈盛装走进。

    A tower rose to the ceiling , halfway up appeared a window with a lamp burning in it , and behind the white curtain appeared Zara in a lovely blue and silver dress , waiting for Roderigo .

  4. 男性眼睛还经常被冷色系颜色吸引,像银、蓝、黑色、灰色和棕色。

    The male eye is also drawn to cooler colors like silver , blue , black , grey , and brown .

  5. 沃霍尔的绘画以银、蓝、绿为主,在车轮底下被支离破碎的尸体、血溅纽约大街的自杀者、以及死于电椅的酷刑等充斥着他的作品。

    He recorded mutilated bodies pinioned under car wrecks , a suicide splattered on a New York street and the electric chair , in paintings saturated in ethereal colours-silver , blue , green .

  6. 正、负电性纳米银对亚甲基蓝吸附取向的影响

    Influence of adsorption behavior of Methylene Blue on negative and positive colloid silver particles

  7. 他戴着一顶插有羽毛的帽子,穿着一件带银扣子的蓝外衣,脖子那儿有一圈看似贵重的花边。

    He was wearing a hat with feathers , a blue coat with silver buttons , and expensive-looking lace round his neck .

  8. 其中新添的有龙睛球、珍珠龙睛、龙睛水泡眼、朱砂眼、银蛋、蓝蛋球、背蛋球、蛋种翻鳃等品种。

    One of the new dragon ball , pearl dragon eye eye , eye , eye blisters , t. , silver , blue eggs , eggs , a ball back eggs over the gills , etc.

  9. 应用银黑狐精液改良蓝狐配种技术

    Breeding Technique of Improve Blue Fox Using Silver Fox ′ s Semen