
  1. 在SOA技术研究基础上,以某省农村信用社为研究对象,为降低凭证流转环节存在的各种风险,提高银行凭证管理工作水平,设计并实现了空白凭证管理系统。

    Based on SOA research , the paper designs and realizes one blank voucher management system of some rural credit cooperatives , in order to reduce the risk of the voucher circulation and improve the level of voucher management .

  2. 净室统计测试在银行凭证系统的应用研究

    The Researching of Cleanroom Statistical Testing in Voucher Management System of the Bank

  3. 基于数字签名与图像识别的网上银行交易凭证设计

    Design of Online Banking Transaction Certificate Based on Digital Signature and Image Recognition

  4. 外币支付凭证,包括票据、银行存款凭证、邮政储蓄凭证等;

    Foreign currency pay orders including bills , bank deposits , and postal savings deposits .

  5. 具有固定的营业地点和安全保管印章、编押机具、银行汇票凭证的设施;

    Having fixed business place and facilities by which stamps , encryption device and bank bill vouchers may be safely protected ;

  6. 三周时间以银行汇款凭证传真件发出日起至全部技术资料甲方受到之日止。

    Three weeks time starting from the date showed on the bank transfermation form and fax out to the day all technical documents have been received by party A.

  7. 向代理行配售银行汇票凭证、汇票专用章和编押机具,并对代理行有关人员进行业务培训辅导;

    Distribute its bank bill vouchers , special stamp for bank bills and encryption device to agency bank ; provide training and coaching to associated personnel of agency bank ;

  8. 向被代理行购置被代理行的银行汇票凭证、银行汇票专用章、编押机具,并按照支付结算制度和被代理行的要求,实行严格的安全管理;

    Obtain bank bill vouchers , special stamp for bank bill and encryption device from the principal bank ; and , as per payment and settlement rules and requirements of the principal bank , implement strict security management ;

  9. (二)注册资本或者营运资金的银行原始入账凭证的复印件。

    A copy of the original bank receipt voucher evidencing payment of the registered capital or working capital .

  10. (二)伪造、变造委托收款凭证、汇款凭证、银行存单等其他银行结算凭证的;

    Forging or altering settlement certificates of a bank such as certificates of entrustment with the receipt of payment , certificates of remittance and deposit receipts ;

  11. 使用伪造、变造的委托收款凭证、汇款凭证、银行存单等其他银行结算凭证的,依照前款的规定处罚。

    Whoever uses forged and altered documents of authority for collection , remittance documents , bank certificates of deposit , and other bank documents of settlement is to be punished in accordance with the stipulations of the preceding paragraph .

  12. 包买票据是商业银行对出口商持有,并经银行担保的债权凭证无追索权购买的金融服务活动。

    Package buying instruments are financial services activities held by commercial banks to exporters , and guar-anteed by banks of debt certificate of non-recourse buying .