
  1. 他与刘智、马注、马德新三人,被公认为明清时期最负盛名的四大宗教译著家。

    With Liu Zhi , Ma Zhu and Ma De-xin , they has been considered the most four eminent translator in Ming and Qing .

  2. 近代云南回族学者马德新在继承前辈成果的基础上又有新的突破。

    In recent times , Ma Dexin , a Hui scholar in Yunnan , made new achievements on the basis of the previous ones .

  3. 马德新(1794-1874),清朝后期享誉云南的回族大阿洪,完成朝觐功课的哈吉,同时也是一位赫赫有名的大学者。

    Ma Dexin ( 1794-1874 ) was a famous great Muslim Akhund during the late period of the Qing Dynasty in Yunnan Province , and he also was an outstanding scholar who once made a pilgrimage to Mecca .