
  • 网络Bank Clearing;Settelment
  1. 该体系由自动收费交通控制管理网络和银行清算辅助网络组成;

    The system consists of Traffic Management Control Network and Bank Account Network .

  2. 拥有第二追索权的是债券持有人,拥有银行清算完毕之后企业剩余资产的追索权。

    The others were usually bondholders , who had to be satisfied with what was left after the banks had been paid .

  3. 同时,他还希望加速存款担保机制和银行清算机制的建立,这些主要是在国家层面实现。

    He also wants to accelerate proposals for the deposit guarantee scheme and bank resolution , which are primarily handled at national level .

  4. 因此,进一步改革现行的银行清算系统,建设适合银行自身的高效的现代化清算系统是各银行的必然选择。

    So it is all banks of inevitable choices to reform current bank clearing system and to build a high-efficient modernization bank clearing system .

  5. 一些专家相信,兴业银行清算科维尔先生财务状况的工作在推动上周早期欧洲股票价格下跌中起着作用。

    Some experts believe efforts by Societe Generale to close out Mister Kerviel 's financial positions played a part in driving down European stock prices early last week .

  6. 国库集中支付制度就是从预算分配到资金拨付、资金使用、银行清算,直至资金到达商品和劳务供应者账户全过程的监控制度。

    Treasury Concentrated Payment System is the fully monitoring system from budget distribution to capital transferring , capital utilization , bank settling and the capital reaching commodity or labor supplier 's account .

  7. 中国建设银行外汇清算计算机网络现状及问题

    On the Foreign Exchange Clearing Computer Network of China Construction Bank

  8. 实现账户的转移将大大有助于一家破产银行的清算。

    Account portability could help significantly in resolving a failed bank .

  9. 结清未清算的银行交易清算帐户,结算帐户

    Settlement of outstanding bank transactions clearing account

  10. 如果各方都拒绝施以援手,那么银行家就要对银行债务清算机构负责。

    If there turned out to be no rescue , then they would be liable to the liquidator .

  11. 银行支付清算体系是一国金融市场必需的基础条件。

    The clearing accounts system of bank 's payment is the fundamental condition of financial market of a nation .

  12. 8%的存款准备金率是不够的,对这些银行进行清算所需的资金数额便能够证明这一点。

    An 8 per cent capital cushion is inadequate as the amounts for winding up these banks will show .

  13. 你是通过我们开户,但客户本身和我们系统中的银行没有清算协议。

    When you open an account with us , you don 't have a clearing agreement with the banks in our system .

  14. 比特币现在的兑换价值是210美元,人们不用去银行和清算公司也能转账,因此减少了额外的费用。

    Bitcoins , currently worth about $ 210 each , can be transferred without going through banks or clearing houses , thereby cutting fees .

  15. 该文对于中国银行支付清算业务风险管理的改进具有一定借鉴价值。

    In this paper , the Bank of China to pay for the liquidation of the business risk management to improve from a certain value .

  16. 中央银行支付清算系统是支付清算体系的中枢,也是确保经济、金融正常运行的最重要基础设施之一。

    The payment clearance system of Central bank is the key part of the payment and settlement system , it is also one of the most important infrastructure to ensure economy and financial operation .

  17. 本文时建设银行外汇清算网络的软硬件环境、网络结构及其应用系统进行了论述,并对其存在的问题进行了探讨。

    In this paper , the author discuss the Foreign Exchange Clearing Computer System of China Construction Bank , including hardware and software environment , network organization , application systems , and problems to be resolved .

  18. 银行卡清算组织是银行卡产业的重要组成部分,处于整个银行卡产业链条的核心和枢纽地位,在银行卡产业的发展史上发挥了举足轻重的作用。

    The bank card clearing scheme is an important part of the bank card industry , which is the core of the entire bank card industry chain and played a pivotal role in the development history of the bank card industry .

  19. 美国国债的优质和高流动性意味着,各机构用它来支持交易的成本相对低廉。银行或清算机构只需少量折减债务价值,以反映信用风险。

    The top quality and liquidity of Treasury debt means it can be used to back transactions relatively cheaply , with banks or clearing houses only requiring a small haircut or discount on the value of the debt to reflect credit risks .

  20. 怀特的讲话很有分量,因为他是少数几个在金融危机爆发之前几年便预测到其发生的资深人士之一。从1995年至2008年,怀特在央行的银行国际清算银行负责经济学部门。

    The comments by Mr White , who ran the economic department at the central banks bank from 1995 to 2008 , carry weight because he was one of the few senior figures to predict the financial crisis in the years before it struck .

  21. CLS与我国商业银行外汇交易清算方式的变革

    CLS and the Reform of Settlement Method for Foreign Exchange Transactions by Our Commercial Banks

  22. 期货经纪商newedge亚太区首席执行官皮埃尔盖伊(pierregay)表示,创设中央清算所,并令其在交易所充当otc交易的对手可能是危险的,因为这将把风险从银行转移到清算所。

    Pierre gay , Asia-Pacific chief executive of futures broker Newedge , said the creation of a central clearing house to act as counterparty to OTC transactions on exchanges could be dangerous because it would transfer risk from banks to the clearer .

  23. 我对贵银行的国际清算业务最感兴趣。

    I 'm most interested in your international settlement business .

  24. 第四部分分析商业银行进入破产清算程序时所适用的特殊规则。

    Part four analyses the special rules in the stage of bankruptcy liquidation .

  25. 吉林省银行间支付清算体系存在的问题及相关对策

    The Existing Problems and Countermeasures of the Inter-bank Payment and Settlement System in Jilin

  26. 在悉尼,一些澳大利亚银行对国际清算银行的流动性改革颇有微词。

    In Sydney , some Australian banks are grumbling about the Basle liquidity reforms .

  27. 拉美自由贸协成员国中央银行间多边清算制度条

    Regulations for the System of Multilateral Clearance of Balances between the Central Banks of the Member Countries of LAFTA

  28. 文中对银行信贷资金清算业务办公自动化的系统环境、系统结构和实现功能等方面进行了探讨。

    The paper discusses the credit funds of clear accounts information system environment , system structure and system function .

  29. 他们可以对银行进行破产清算;将其出售;或是继续经营,以期浴火重生。

    They can wind the bank up ; sell it ; or keep trading in the hope of resurrection .

  30. 在最糟糕的情形下,央行可能让新平台在部分银行间在线清算服务上占据垄断地位。

    In the worst-case scenario , the central bank could give the new platform monopoly status for certain inter-bank online clearing services .