
yín bì
  • silver coin
银币 [yín bì]
  • [silver coin] 银制钱币

银币[yín bì]
  1. 他许诺每月给我一个银币。

    He promised to give me a silver coin every month for doing this .

  2. 他弯下腰捡起了一枚银币。

    Eg : He bent over and picked up a silver coin .

  3. 我需要在停车收费器里投2英镑银币。

    I need £ 2 in silver for the parking meter .

  4. 我们发现这柜子里有不少银币。

    We found the chest to contain many silver coins .

  5. 1分铜币、5分镍币、1角银币和2角5分银币是美国硬币。

    Pennies , nickels , dimes , and quarters are United States coins .

  6. 他回来时,父亲给了他两枚闪闪发亮的崭新银币。

    When he came back , his father gave him two bright , new silver dollars .

  7. 分铜币、5分镍币、1角银币和2角5分银币是美国硬币

    Pennies , nickles , dimes and quarters are United States coins . 1

  8. 那个银币真的不是你偷来的?

    Sure you didn 't filch that crown ?

  9. 每次有人拿出一个一角的银币和一个五分的镍币让他从中选一个,他总是选那个镍币。

    Wherever he was offered a choice between a dime1 and a nickel2 , he always chose the nickel .

  10. 他这样挑选了好多次后,有个好心的老人告诉他,一角的银币要值两个五分的镍币,以后应该选一角的银币。

    When this had gone on many times , a kind old man told him that a dime was worth twice as much as a nickel , so he should choose the dime in the future .

  11. 傻子说:“哦,我知道它们的区别。可是,如果我选了银币,他们就不会再让我挑选了,那我就连一个五分的镍币也捞不到了。”

    The half-wit said , " oh , I know the difference , but if I choose the dime , they 'd stop offering me the choice and then I 'd never even get the nickel . "

  12. SAMs不影响银币原始的亮度值、色度值和反射率。

    The SAMs do not affect psychometric lightness , the chromaticity coordinates , and the reflectance of silver coin .

  13. 我在自己口袋里找到的是一枚一角的银币。

    It was a dime that I found in my pocket .

  14. 你还记得他实行过自由铸造银币政策吗?

    Do you remember that he had the free silver policy .

  15. 请你给我价值一镑的银币好吗?

    Could you give me £ 1 in silver , please ?

  16. 每只袜子里有六个一美元的银币。

    There are six silver dollars in every of the sthvacking .

  17. 根据这张图,把银币放在这儿。

    According to this chart , I put the coins here .

  18. 东印度公司银币在舟山的流通

    The Circulation of Silver Coins from East India Company in Zhoushan

  19. 这个绅士打量了他一下,伸手想摸块1角的银币。

    The gentleman looked him over and fished for a dime .

  20. 把你的银币拿回去。我不想要!

    Take back your silver . I don 't want it !

  21. 金、银币——招财进宝,发家致富;

    gold , silver -- - Good Fortune , fortune prosperity ;

  22. 洛阳出土波斯银币探索

    A probe of Persian silver coins excavated in Luoyang area

  23. 我以前从没见过八个瑞尔的西班牙古银币。

    I have never seen before original pieces of eight .

  24. 他张开手,露出了一堆宝贝似的银币。

    Opening his fist , he exposed a mound of silver coins .

  25. 新银币已经开始流通了。

    The new silver coins have been put into circulation .

  26. 浅谈电子商务在金银币销售中的应用

    E-business for sales of gold & silver coins in China

  27. 揭开中外通宝银币之谜

    A solution to the puzzle of Zhong Wai Tong Bao silver coin

  28. 你给我3个2先令6便士的银币换这张10先令的钞票。

    You can give me three half crowns for this ten-shilling note .

  29. 就是启动银币发射器的最好时机。

    Would be a good time to activate the coin .

  30. 我需要一些银币以使用停车场的售票机。

    I need some silverfor the ticket machine in the car park .