
xiànɡ mù zhī chū
  • item of expenditure
  1. 财政项目支出是财政支出的重要组成部分。

    Financial project spending isan important part of finance expenditure .

  2. 落实科学发展观加强项目支出预算的管理

    Fulfilling Scientific Outlook on Development to Strengthen the Management on Project Expenditures Budget

  3. 去年,欧盟有史以来首次削减了预算中的实际项目支出。

    Last year saw the first ever real-terms cut to the EU budget .

  4. 在那期间,全部项目支出为2550亿美元。

    During that period total project spending was found to be $ 255 billion .

  5. 巡航与救助一体化项目支出预算绩效评价研究

    Performance Measurement of Budgeting of the Changjiang Maritime Cruise and Rescue Special Funds Program

  6. 关于建立公共工程项目支出绩效评估的几点思考

    Performance Evaluation of Public Project Expenditure

  7. 技术合作项目支出总额

    Total technical cooperation project expenditures

  8. 构建重大项目支出预算事前评审机制。

    We will create a mechanism for evaluating key expenditure items before including them in the budget .

  9. 交通事业单位项目支出预算评价研究

    A Study to the Appraisal of the Appropriation Budget Project of the Cause Institution under the Ministry of Communications

  10. 财政刺激几乎全是以减税和转移支付的形式进行,而不是以投资项目支出的形式进行。

    The stimulus was almost all in the form of tax cuts and transfer payments rather than outlays for investment projects .

  11. 针对我国财政性项目支出绩效评价的问题,该结果更符合我国绩效评价的现实。

    In view of the issues of local financial performance evaluation , the results above are more in line with reality .

  12. 满足发展需求的消费项目支出已经超过满足最基本的生理性需要项目支出;

    The expense project disbursement that satisfies the development need has already surpassed the expense disbursement of the most basic physiology need .

  13. 一名全国人大发言人拒绝透露该项目支出细节,也不肯证实施工结束日期。

    An NPC spokesman for the legislature refuses to give any details of the cost or confirm when the project would be finished .

  14. 项目支出预算是部门预算的重要组成部分,是在基本支出之外为完成特定行政任务和事业发展目标所发生的支出。

    It is the expenditure-taking place in order to finish the specific administration task and cause-developing goal out of the basic expenditure budget .

  15. 其次,阐述了财政性项目支出绩效评价的基本理论,以此作为构建绩效评价指标体系的依据。

    Second , it elaborates the basic theories of the fiscal expenditure , which will be the basis of new performance evaluation indicator system .

  16. 加强项目支出预算评价是部门预算改革发展的必然趋势。

    It is an inexorable trend of the reform and development of department budget to strengthen the appraisal of appropriation budget of the project .

  17. 我国国防费最优结构的确定&对项目支出分配比例的实证研究

    How to Determine the Optimal Structure of China 's Expenditure on National Defense & An Empirical Study on the Distribution Proportion of Project Expenditure

  18. 目前水利项目支出主要靠财政资金提供支持,是财政支出的重要组成部分。

    Currently , the expenditure of water conservancy projects is mainly provided by financial funds and it is an important part of the fiscal expenditure .

  19. 布莱尔称最大的支出来自美国该国今年的核项目支出将达到610亿美元。

    Mr Blair said that the biggest costs were incurred by the US , which would spend $ 61bn on its nuclear programme in 2011 .

  20. 部门收入预算的编制要以预算的完整统一性为原则,编制综合财政预算。部门支出预算的编制首先要进行科学地分类,将部门支出预算分为基本支出预算与项目支出预算;

    For the department , the income budget is united budget , the expenditure budget is divided into basic expenditure budget and project expenditure budget .

  21. 政府扩大基础设施项目支出,也是农村消费增长的原因之一,它降低了企业分销自己产品的难度。

    Other reasons for growth in rural consumption include an increase in public expenditure on infrastructure projects , making it easier for companies to distribute their products .

  22. 根据国家的统一部署,山东省于2001年推行了项目支出预算改革并取得了显著的成绩。

    According to the unified deployment of our country , Shandong province pushed forward the project expenditure budget reform in 2001 and has made a marked success .

  23. 这位官员表示,这个刺激经济的一揽子方案,包括三年的项目支出费用,需要对于该行业有一个“即刻效应”。

    The stimulus package , to cover three years of project spending , needs to have an " immediate effect " to bolster the industry , the official said .

  24. 就在大力控制新地产项目支出后,人和公司本周表示将以65亿港元(约合49.5亿元人民币)的价格收购多家农产品市场。

    This week , it said it was buying a collection of farmers ' markets for $ 800 million , even after sharply reining in spending on new property projects .

  25. 近年来,项目支出预算改革取得了初步成效,但在项目支出预算评价方面,仍然存在着许多问题。

    In recent years , the reform of appropriation budget of project has made a preliminary effect , but the questions still exist on how to appraise the appropriation budget of the project .

  26. 项目支出预算是部门支出预算的组成部分,是中央部门为完成其特定的行政工作任务或事业发展目标,在基本支出预算之外编制的年度项目支出计划。

    The project expenditure budget is a part of the department expenditure budget . It is an annual project outlay plan to complete specific administration task in addition to the basic expenditure budget .

  27. 同时,披露本期发生的内部研究开发项目支出总额,以及计入研究阶段支出金额和计入开发阶段的金额。

    Simultaneously , gross expenses for its internal research and development projects of an enterprise occurred in the current period , and expenses recorded into the research stage and development stage shall be disclosed .

  28. 最后一章总结了在项目支出预算评价中应注意的问题,并探讨了项目支出预算工作的发展趋势。

    The last chapter has summarized the questions that should be paid attention to while appraising the appropriation budget of the project , and probed into the development trend of appropriation budget of project .

  29. 第5章海事单位项目支出预算评价方法研究,构建了两次专家调查法模式,结合设备购置项目加以说明;

    Chapter five is a study to the appraisal method of the project appropriation budget of unit of maritime affairs , structuring the mode of two Delphi and giving an example to the equipment purchase project ;

  30. 本文采用定量的研究方法,研究自变量(公共支出的民生项目支出满意度、行政管理支出满意度以及公民税收负)和因变量(政府支出效果)之间的关系。

    By applying quantitative research methods , this paper studies the relationship between independent variable ( Public program expenditure satisfaction , administrative expenditure satisfaction and citizen tax pressure ) and dependent variable ( government expenditure effect ) .