
  • 网络Investment budget;input budget;line-item budget
  1. 规划预算是投入预算走向绩效预算的桥梁。

    Program budget is a bridge for investment budget to performance budget .

  2. 经测算,重点设备的投入预算约为22.14亿元人民币。

    The calculations investment on key equipment is about 2.214 billion yuan . 3 .

  3. 再次,要改革和完善科技投入预算管理机制。

    Thirdly , we should reform and improve the science and technology investment budget management mechanism .

  4. 从投入预算到产出预算

    From Input Budge to Output Budget

  5. 第三,针对客户可能投入预算与系统平台建设成本的差距,提出分步推进的营销策略,并制定了系统平台商务报价方案、具体营销措施等。

    Third , potential customers for budget and system platform construction cost gap , put forward step by step to promote the marketing strategy , and developed a system platform business pricing scheme , specific marketing measures .

  6. 这类项目的用户多数有信息化需求,但又缺乏信息化的知识和流程基础,往往投入预算少,期望又很多,所以一般有实力的专业系统集成公司不愿实施此类项目。

    Most of those users have the need of IT information , but they lack of the basic knowledge of IT information , they spend less and expect more , so the professional SI & VAR do not want to implement such kind projects .

  7. 在财政教育投入预算上,向农村地区倾斜,同时在农村地区还要注重将基础教育、职业教育等与农村教育相结合,建立农村职业技术实验室,为广大农民提供技术培训和就业指导。

    Tilt toward rural areas on the financial investment in education budgets , while in rural areas we should combine the basic education , vocational education and education in rural areas together . Establish rural vocational and technical laboratories ; provide farmers with technical training and career guidance .

  8. 该调查还预测,今年电视广告费用预算将占媒体投入总预算的47%,比2010年增加了6%。

    The survey predicts that TV ad spending will account for 47 % of media budgets this year , a 6 % increase since 2010 .

  9. 投入转换预算术语,指当成本对整个支出帐户的压力发生变化时,经理可以改变预算的分配。

    Input switching budget term which means managers can change budget allocations as a result of changing cost pressures over the range of expense accounts .

  10. 尽管集团对于培训的重视程度和每年投入的预算都相当可观,但在许多方面无法达到预期的效果。

    Though the group attach importance to training work and devote big amount for training budget , but in many respect , can not attain the anticipant result .

  11. 奥运会广告大战的赢家很有可能是那些投入大额预算制作官方广告的品牌,这些广告可能非常庄重,充满感情色彩。

    The winning brands at the Olympics will likely be the obvious ones : Those that have devoted big budgets to official ads , ads that look likely to be entirely serious and sentimental .

  12. 他提到了UNESCO成功地鼓励了尼日利亚政府采纳政策为科研、教育和工业创新投入更多的预算。

    He cites the agency 's success in encouraging the Nigerian government to take the policy of allocating more of its budget to scientific research , education and innovation in industry .

  13. 确保这些工程投入不超过预算,并且能按时投入使用将会是一个挑战。

    Bringing these feats of engineering into service on time and on budget will be a challenge .

  14. 美国在监控技术方面投入的国民预算迄今远远超过其他国家,但美国通常从本国的合同商那里采购大型定制监控系统。

    The US has by far the biggest national budget for surveillance technology but tends to buy large bespoke surveillance systems from US contractors .

  15. 但其实不然,为什么一些制作成本较低的节目仍然保留了下来,而其他投入了数亿美元预算的电视剧的收视率却一路猛跌?

    But that 's not the case ; why do some shows with questionable production value live on , while others with hundred-million dollar budgets flop ?

  16. 首先我们要确定我们要什么,当然我们在这方面做得很好,我们为这个结果投入了充分的预算,我们能够将精力放在这些细节上,所以在比赛中看到了进步。

    First we had to identify what would bring us quick results , and on that we did a very good job , we dedicated sufficient budget to these results .

  17. 通过对奥运会投入结构、投入预算和收入构成的风险问题分析,探讨了2008年北京奥运会投资中存在的风险性,提出了最大限度地降低北京奥运会投资风险的策略。

    By analyzing the investment structure , budget and profit composition , the paper discusses the risk of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and puts forward countermeasures to reduce the risk maximally .

  18. 群众体育经费主要来源于政府拨款和企业赞助,政府每年投入大量体育经费并将每年体育事业经费投入纳入财政预算,资金主用于全民健身路径、体育公园、特色和品牌活动。

    The masses sports activities fund is mainly from government grant and corporate sponsorship . The great amount input into sports activities of the government from the government budgets is used in civil exercise road , sports activities parks and characteristic and brand activities .