
tóu jī fèn zǐ
  • Speculators;opportunist;political speculator;adventurer
  1. 对很多人来说,特朗普是个“投机分子”而非狂热的种族主义者。只要能赢,这个不负责任的家伙想说什么就说什么。

    To many Trump remains3 more of an opportunist than an ardent4 racist5 - an irresponsible man who will say anything to win .

  2. 高管猎头CTPartners的副会长约翰•凯勒(JohnKeller)说,如果没有一套让人信服的说辞,“那么你就会像是一个投机分子,而不是一个企业建设者”。

    Without a persuasive story , ' you look like an opportunist instead of a business builder , ' cautions John Keller , a vice chairman of executive recruiters CTPartners .

  3. 但就社会问题而言,他被指责为投机分子。

    But on social issues , he is accused of opportunism .

  4. 房地产投机分子是楼市的情人还是泡沫的罪人?

    Real estate speculators are the property market bubble lovers or sinner ?

  5. 埃克尔斯通是一个投机分子,但他赢得了最后的机会。

    Mr Ecclestone is a chancer but he has earned a final chance .

  6. 市场已作出了自己的判断:投机分子获得了一次机会,而他们抓住了它。

    The market has given its verdict : the speculators have been handed an opportunity , and they have seized it .

  7. 英国人对于挑战法律和恰当行为底线的冒险企业家有另外一个称呼:投机分子。

    The British have another word for an entrepreneurial risk-taker who pushes the boundaries of the legal and proper : a chancer .

  8. 企业尤其担心,域名的这一发展将导致更多的“互联网域名恶意抢注”(即互联网投机分子抢注商标域名)。

    Companies are particularly concerned that the expansion of names will lead to increased " cybersquatting " , where trademark names are taken over by Internet opportunists .

  9. 而那时,绝望的父母与投机分子之流洗劫财物的画面已经开始在电视屏幕上滚动播放,另外还有警察投放催泪弹加以制止的画面。

    By then scenes of looting , by desperate parents and opportunists alike , were rolling across TV screens , together with images of police lobbing tear gas in response .

  10. 在菲律宾、泰国、越南等国家,混血后裔勾起人痛苦的回忆,使人们想起当年的西方男性殖民者和东方女性战争受害者,以及投机分子。

    In countries such as the Philippines , Thailand , and Vietnam , such offspring were seen as negative reminders of Western male colonizers and Eastern female war victims and opportunists .

  11. 我现在所作的,将来还要作,为了要断绝那些投机分子的机会,不让他们在所夸的事上,被人认为是跟我们一样的。

    But what I do , that I will do , that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion ; that wherein they glory , they may be found even as we .

  12. 于是投机分子混入党内,从各方面来破坏党。有敌特分子混入政府内部进行破坏活动。

    As a consequence , careerists have wormed their way into the Party in an attempt to destroy it in various fields of endeavour . Some enemy agents infiltrated the government and bored form within .

  13. 奥巴马总统在中午的讲话中严厉批评了阻碍克莱斯勒重组进程的债券持有人,他称这些人为少数“投机分子”。

    In his noon address , President Obama took a tough stance against what he described as the small group of ' speculators , ' the debt holders that had held up the Chrysler restructuring .

  14. 人民币改革的步伐有所放缓,香港银行里的人民币存款不再迅速增加,越来越多的证据显示,以人民币结算的跨境贸易正被那些金融投机分子“劫持”。

    The pace of reform had slowed , Renminbi deposits were no longer accumulating rapidly in Hong Kong banks and there was growing evidence that cross-border trade in the renminbi was being hijacked by financial opportunists .

  15. 受极端保守主义者和政治投机分子袁世凯(1859——1916)的支持,慈禧太后在1898年11月21日策划了一场政变,逼迫年轻的、具有改革思想的光绪帝退位。慈禧拦过掌控政府的大权。

    Supported by ultraconservative and with the tacit support of the political opportunist Yuan Shikai ( 1859 - 1916 ) , Empress Dowager Ci Xi engineered a coup on September 21 , 1898 , forcing the young reform-minded Guangxu into seclusion . Ci Xi took over the government as regent .