
  • 网络My own swordsman;wu lin wai zhuan
  1. 姚晨因2006年的喜剧《武林外传》一炮而红。

    Yao Chen , who most people know through the 2006 comedy series , My Own Swordsman .

  2. 从修辞的角度看《武林外传》台词的幽默性

    Talking about the humorous constituent of the lines of " My Own Swordsman " in terms of the rhetoric of words

  3. 论情景喜剧《武林外传》的后现代特色

    On the Post Modernity Characteristics of the Sitcom My Own Swordsman

  4. 《武林外传》:类型与创新结合的产物

    My Own Swordsman : a Product of the Combination of Genre and Innovation

  5. 不过,总体来说,《武林外传》体现的是当前热门的后现代性。

    In general , however , it reflects the contemporarily hot issue & post modernity .

  6. 《武林外传》在题材上采用的是武侠故事这一中国传统故事,形式上却是作为舶来品的情景喜剧。

    My own swordsman adopts the traditional Chinese theme of martial stories , while takes a exotic form of sitcom .

  7. 而古装情景喜剧《武林外传》的出现,更是加重了理论界缺乏情景喜剧系统研究的危机。

    My own swordsman , a Chinese sitcom in ancient costume , aggravates the crises of lacking systematic study on Chinese sitcom .

  8. 本文论述了《武林外传》形式上、内容上、娱乐策略上三个方面的突破与创新。

    This article discusses the breakthrough and innovation of " my own swordsman " in the form , content and entertainment strategy .

  9. 《武林外传》作为新型武侠剧,在江湖概念和侠义精神等方面对于传统武侠作品有传承,不过更多的是颠覆。

    As a new model of martial program , My own swordsman subverts more than preserves the concept of rivers and lakes as well as errantry .

  10. 情景喜剧作为传递幽默的一种语言艺术表现形式,日益受到人们的追捧和喜爱,2006年,一部《武林外传》把情景喜剧的创作推向了最高峰。

    As an artistic form of expressing humorous sense in language , situation comedy had won enormous popularity among audiences . In 2006 , My Own Swordsman put the creation of situation comedy to the peak .

  11. 2005年最具突破性的作品《武林外传》呈现荧屏,打破了方言情景喜剧带来的审美局限性,将电视情景喜剧推上了又一个高峰。

    Works . External Story of Martial Art Circles with greatest breakthrough appeared on television in 2005 and broke the aesthetic limitation brought up by dialect situation comedy . IT pushed TV situation comedy to another peak .