
  • 网络item response theory;irt
  1. 先前的研究方法主要集中在运用概化理论和项目反应理论来解决这一问题。

    G-theory and IRT have been used to address this question .

  2. 项目反应理论多级记分模型参数估计的实现

    Realization to the IRT multiple category scoring model

  3. 基于项目反应理论的Web考试系统的研究

    An Overview on Study of Web Examination System Based on Item Response Theory

  4. 用阻尼Newton法解项目反应理论中的三参数似然方程组

    Solution of the Three-Parameter Likelihood Equations of the Item Response Theory by Damped-Newton 's Method Computation

  5. 将移动Agent与项目反应理论相结合的自适应考试方法应用于C自测考试系统中进行测试,实现了考试异步进行。

    The " Mobile Agent and item response theory combining " adaptive test method is applied in C self-test examination system , and the system is tested successfully .

  6. 项目反应理论是CAT的基础,项目反应理论是一种建立在某种数学模型基础上的测量理论。

    Item Response Theory ( IRT ), as the base of CAT , is a theory of measurement based on mathematical model .

  7. 阐述了教育测量的两种主要理论,即经典测试理论(ClassicalTestTheory,CTT)和项目反应理论(itemresponsetheory,IRT)。

    This paper expatiates on two main theories of instructional test , including classical test theory ( CTT ) and item response theory ( IRT ) .

  8. 结论:自评量表若是2级评分资料,则采用双参数Logistic模型分析是可行的,符合项目反应理论的标准,而单参数和三参数Logistic模型则不理想。

    CONCLUSION : When 2-point items are adopted in self-report questionnaire , 2-parameter logistic model can be applied but not 1 - or 3-parameter Logistic models .

  9. 项目反应理论(itemresponsetheory,IRT)也称潜在特质理论,是一种现代心理测量理论,其意义在于可以指导项目筛选和测验编制。

    Item response theory ( IRT ), also known as latent trait theory , is a modern psychological measurement theory , which can guide the item selection and test preparation .

  10. 本文主要介绍了项目反应理论(IRT)的优点、IRT模型以及多维CAT的基本思想。

    The advantages of IRT , IRT model , basic theory of multidimensional adaptive testing are introduced in this paper .

  11. 随着多媒体计算机及网络技术的发展,一种将计算机技术与项目反应理论(IRT)相结合的计算机适应性测试(CAT)技术已引起人们的重视。

    With the development of multimedia and Internet technology , the Computer Adaptive Test ( CAT ) technology combined with IRT has aroused public concern .

  12. 本研究把项目反应理论(IRT)应用到人格测验中,以期望更高效率的对人格进行测量。

    This article applies Item Response Theory ( IRT ) to personality tests to score and explain them .

  13. 项目反应理论框架下多级评分项目的信息函数IRT中测验信息函数性质的解析及估值方法

    Information of IRT Multilevel Item ; Analysis and Numerical Estimation of the Test Information Function in Item Response Theory

  14. 同时,随着心理及教育测量技术的发展,项目反应理论(itemresponsetheory,IRT)得到了广泛的研究与应用,在提高测验效率的同时也减少了施测误差。

    At the same time , with the development of psychological and educational measurement , item response theory ( IRT ) has been studied and applied in various areas to increase the testing efficiency and reduce measurement error .

  15. 计算机自适应测试(computerizedadaptivetesting,CAT)是以项目反应理论为基础的一种新兴测试方式,它具有测试时间短、结果更科学、更能反应受测者的真实水平的特点。

    ( Computerized Adaptive Testing , CAT ) is a new kind of test based on item response theory . The features of it are short time of test , more scientific results , and true level of examinees .

  16. 本文在分析已有项目反应理论(itemresponsetheory简称IRT)等值方法基础上,提出两种更为稳健的等值方法:普通绝对值等值方法和平方根绝对值等值方法。

    By analyzing the subsistent methods for test equating based on Item Response Theory ( IRT ), two new equating methods , Common Absolute Value equating method and Square Root Absolute Value equating method , are introduced in the paper .

  17. 目前在验证性因素分析(CFA)和项目反应理论(IRT)两个领域,都有一些检验方法来识别项目功能差异(DIF)。

    Currently , there are several methods for identify Differential Item Functioning , which are in confirmatory factor analysis and item response theory fields .

  18. 近二十年来,项目反应理论(IRT)指导下的计算机自适应测试(CAT),得到迅速发展和应用。

    For the last two decades , the computerized adaptive testing ( CAT ), based on the Item Response Theory ( IRT ), is rapidly developed and applied in examination field .

  19. 在教育统计与心理测量理论的发展上项目反应理论(IRT)所起的作用越来越大,也日益成为了测验领域的一个核心方法。

    Item response theory ( IRT ) has been playing an important role in the development of educational and psychological measurement , which has become a central method in measurement theory .

  20. 然后着重介绍了计算机化自适应测试的理论基础&项目反应理论(IRT);

    It also presents the basics in theory of it & Item Response Theory ( IRT ), the fruits obtained by now , the puzzles we are meeting and so on .

  21. IRT(项目反应理论)在现代教育考试与测量中的研究和应用正日益受到广泛关注,本文阐述了遗传算法在IRT模型参数估计中的应用。

    The research and application of IRT model in modern educational examination have widely been paid attention to . This present article discusses ele application of Genetic algorithm in the parameter estimation for IRT model .

  22. 随着人们对人类学习中认知失误行为的日益关注,以项目反应理论(IRT)为基础的诊断测验逐渐兴起,它结合认知心理学、教学研究、及心理计量学而渐渐发展成为一门新兴科学。

    Since people are paying more and more attention to " cognitive bugs behavior " in study , Diagnostic testing based-on Item Response Theory ( IRT ) has been springing up increasingly , which combines cognitive psychology and teaching research with psychometrics to develop to form a new science .

  23. 我们通常运用多维项目反应理论(MIRT)模型研究纵向教育调查数据,也称为纵向项目反应数据,即研究学生在不同的时间点进行多次同类测量的情况。

    We usually use multidimensional item response theory ( MIRT ) model to research the educational longitudinal survey data , also known as longitudinal item response data . That is , sometimes students need to take the test in several different time spots .

  24. 经典测验理论与项目反应理论的对比研究

    A comparative study on classical test theory and item response theory

  25. 运用项目反应理论分析不同认知特点的题目

    The Analysis on Different Cognitive Trait Items with Item Response Theory

  26. 部分线性模型在项目反应理论中的研究和应用

    The Study and Application of Partially Linear Models in Item Response Theory

  27. 基于项目反应理论的自适应测试系统研究

    Research on Item Response Theory-Based System of Computerized Adaptive Testing

  28. 项目反应理论在各级考试系统设计中应用策略的研究

    Application Strategies of Item Response Theory in the Design of Various Testing Systems

  29. 基于项目反应理论的远程教育资源库的应用研究

    A Research on the Application of Resources Library for Distance Learning Based on IRT

  30. 应用项目反应理论创建图形推理测验题库

    The Development of the Item Bank of Graphic Deductive Test Based on Item Response Theory