
  • 网络project construction phase
  1. 并利用投入SWOT模型分析出了该项目建设期引起的各产业部门的投入效益以及总效益。

    And using SWOT model analysis out into the project construction sector caused by the input of the benefits and total benefits .

  2. 在业界存在的BT项目建设期所有权归属于政府还是项目公司的争端上,本文提出观点:城市基础设施BT项目建设期的所有权归属于地方政府。

    From the existing dispute of the project ownership allocated to the government or to the project company , this paper puts forward the viewpoint : the ownership of BT urban infrastructure project belongs to the local government in its construction .

  3. 考虑运营期收益的项目建设期时间/费用交换问题(TCTP/R)研究

    Research on the Time / Cost Trade - offs Problem Based on Running

  4. 该项目建设期预计为8个月。

    The project construction period is expected to8 months .

  5. 项目建设期经济影响评价方法探讨

    Discussion on the Methods of Economic Influence Appraisal for the Project in Construction Period

  6. 在项目建设期和运营期,必须进行环境影响评价。

    The environmental impact assessment must be undertaken in the period of project construction and operations .

  7. 大型发电机组工程项目建设期长、系统复杂和项目投资大。

    Large scale unit projects feature long construction cycle , increased system complexity and enormous investment .

  8. 项目建设期5年,计算期15年。

    The pre period of the project is 5 years , and implementation period is 15 years .

  9. 我国工业项目建设期内的环境保护立法工作还很不完善.本文分析了工业项目建设期内环境问题的基本特征。

    The work of environment protection legislation during construction of industrial projects is not veny improvement in our country .

  10. 项目建设期的现金流出和经营期可能出现的亏损使得现行波动率估算方法难以应用于项目评价中。

    But the current volatility models cannot estimate volatility because the negative cash flow in construction period and operation period .

  11. 火力发电项目建设期水土流失地面观测方法的实践与探讨

    The Practice and Discussion on the Method of the Observation on Ground on Soil and Water Loss in the Thermal Electric Generation Project Development Stage

  12. 为维护项目建设期的政府所有权利益,项目采用制定履约担保、采用合理合同价格、加强第三方检测三种措施保障项目所有权的有效实施。

    This paper suggests to safeguard the ownership interest in the means of the performance guarantee , adopting rational contract price and strengthening the third examination .

  13. 本文重点研究了工程项目建设期进度费用优化中资金的时间价值以及工程项目运营收益对项目建设期进度费用优化的影响。

    The time value of capital in schedule cost optimization and the influence of the income of running period to schedule cost optimization of engineering project is mainly studied in this paper .

  14. 高速公路项目业主建设期风险预警研究

    The Research on Early Warning of the Owner Risk of the Expressway Project during Construction Period

  15. 文章分析了项目工程建设期造价管理存在的问题,阐述了对项目工程造价要实行“一体化”管理,实现工程造价管理市场化,工程造价咨询业社会化,以适应市场经济发展的需要。

    The paper analyzes the existing problems in cost control of project construction , suggests an integrated management in order to meet the need of development of market economy .

  16. 根据高速公路项目业主建设期风险特征,分析各风险和风险因素,进行风险识别,确定风险分解结构。

    Accordance with the characteristics of the owner risk of the expressway project during construction period , every risk and its factors are analyzed and identified , then risk breakdown structure is determined .

  17. 遵循风险预警指标的原则,建立高速公路项目业主建设期风险预警指标体系,该体系较全面的概括建设期业主面临的主要风险。

    Guided by the principles of the risk early warning indicators , the risk early warning indicator system of the owner risk of the expressway project during construction period is established , which the main risks that the owner facing during construction period are summed up comprehensively in .

  18. 这些国内外经济组织成立专门的项目公司从建设期到特许经营期结束这段时间对公路项目进行管理,主要以获得经济利益为目的。

    These domestic and foreign economic organizations set up a special project company to manage highway project from construction to the end of charter period , mainly for the purpose of economic benefits .

  19. 项目投资与建设期的质量、工期紧密相关,投资控制的效果直接关系到企业未来目标的实现,与项目运行效益密切挂钩。

    And the investment of project is related to the quality of construction and the time limit for a project . And the effects of investment control are related to the benefit of projects so as to affect the achievements of the goal for enterprises ' future development .

  20. 原来的建设项目,预计项目建设期为3年。

    The original construction program is scheduled to project construction period is3 years .

  21. 双方就加快广东金叶烟草薄片项目建设、推进二期再造烟叶生产线建成投产进行会谈。

    Both sides made a discussion on accelerating the construction of Guangdong Jinye Tobacco Sheet Project and boosting the completion and launch of the Phase-II reconstruction tobacco production line .

  22. 作为重大建设项目,其建设施工期不可避免会对生态环境产生一定的影响,包括噪声、粉尘、废水、振动、固体废弃物及化学品管理等。

    As a key project , its construction would inevitably bring some influence to ecological environment , including noise , dust , sewage , vibration , waste solid and chemical treatment .

  23. 项目评价计算期等于项目建设期加项目竣工后运营期。

    Assessment period is equal to project duration plus operation period after completion of the project .

  24. 因为该项目投资额巨大,项目建设期长,工艺复杂,不确定性因素多,所以做好可行性研究工作是项目成功的前提件。

    This project is characterized by enormous investment , long term investment , complex construction and many unpredictable factors , so the feasibility analysis of this project is the precondition of its success .

  25. 第三部分探讨了建设项目财务评价计算参数之一的建设项目计算期。分析了项目计算期中建设期和运营期的确定并重点分析了运营期的确定以及影响确定的相关因素。

    The third part we discuss the building project calculation period of the construction project financial evaluation parameters by analysis the identification of construction period and operating period , focusing on the period of operation and relevant factors in this determination .

  26. 进行月度财务收支报告能够实时监控项目的成本管理工作进展,检查在本月内项目的实际成本支出与项目建设期的成本预算是否一致。

    Monthly financial revenues and expenditures report can monitor the cost management work in progress , and check whether the project construction spending and the cost budget is consistent .

  27. 在动态进度费用优化的基础上,从项目业主角度,研究项目运营期收入对进度计划优化的影响,以项目全寿命周期的经济效益为目标,来进行项目的建设期优化。

    Thirdly , with the consideration of the income of running period , the whole optimization is researched on the position of owner of construction projects .