
  • 网络qianjiang new city;qianjiang new cbd
  1. 杭州钱江新城B-03地块建筑群体设计

    Architectural Design of B-03 Block in Qianjiang New City of Hangzhou

  2. 杭州钱江新城地下连接工程暗挖施工技术

    Subsurface excavation construction technology of the underground connection project of the Qianjiang new city in Hangzhou

  3. 以钱江新城为例研究城市CBD地区停车规划

    A study on the planning of parking in CBD : with the case of Qianjiang new CBD

  4. 亚包大厦奠基仪式昨在钱江新城隆重举行。

    A grand foundation stone laying ceremony for Asian Packaging Center Edifice was held yesterday .

  5. 杭州市钱江新城两翼城市阳台设计

    Design of Both Flanks Shaped " Urban Balcony " in Qianjiang New City of Hangzhou City

  6. 开放式公园景观设计&以杭州市钱江新城市民公园为例

    Discussion on Landscape Design of Open Park & A Case of Qianjiang New City Civil Park in Hangzhou

  7. 并且提出了杭州钱江新城中央商务区城市公共空间建设是国内取得成功的为数不多的案例并值得以此来研究思考。

    In addition , the design of Hangzhou CBD urban spaces is refered as a successful example for further studies .

  8. 钱江新城核心区地下空间规划的编制与思考&浅谈我国城市地下空间开发利用

    Compilation and Consideration of Underground Space Planning for Qianjiang New CBD & A General Discussion about the Development and Utilization of Urban Underground Space in China

  9. 项目地理位置特殊,属于钱塘江与京杭运河的交汇区,紧靠杭州未来的新门户、都市新中心&钱江新城核心区。

    This project is located at the connecting point of Qiantang River and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal , closing to the heart of Qianjiang New City .

  10. 最终创作了杭州钱江新城雕塑公园规划设计,并取得了突出成果,为进一步的研究增加了信心,提供了理论依据。

    Eventually , we designed a sculpture park in Hangzhou Qianjiang CBD which achieved outstanding results , increased our confidence and provided a theoretical basis for the further research .

  11. 江河交汇区总面积约0.4平方公里,不仅是钱江新城的重要组成部分,也是运河综合整治的组成部分,更是杭州城市沿江跨江发展的一个重要节点。

    The intersection of the river and canal covers an area of0.4 km2.which not only is the key part of Qianjiang New City but also for comprehensive renovation of the Canal .

  12. 三堡排涝工程属于钱塘江和京杭运河的交汇区,紧靠杭州未来的新门户钱江新城核心区。

    Sanbao Drainage Works belongs to converging area of Qiantang River and Jinghang Canal and is close to the core area of Qiangjiang New CBD , the future new door of Hangzhou .

  13. 钱江新城跨地铁超限超高层住宅设计“城市远郊富裕阶层住宅区:城市远郊区,尤其主要为富人所居住.”

    Super high-rise building design in Qianjiang new district stepping over metro " exurb : a region lying beyond the suburbs of a city , especially one inhabited principally by wealthy people . "

  14. 该文介绍钱江新城两翼&城市阳台、城市阳台的组成及其定位、之江路下穿、管廊、地下停车库及地面休闲区的规划设计。

    The paper introduces the Both Flanks of Qianjiang New City ─ " Urban Balcony ", the composition and position of the urban balcony , as well as Zhijiang Road underpass , pipe corridor , underground parking lot and the planning design of ground fallow district .

  15. 杭州市钱江新城在钱塘江边建设城市阳台时,同时建设了平行于钱塘江大堤的管廊,将电力、通信和两根给水管道纳入其中集中管理。

    While the City Balcony is constructed at the side of Qiantang River in Qianjiang New City of Hangzhou , the engineering tunnel is constructed parallel to Qiantang River Embankment , which brings into the electrical cable , telecommunication cable and two water supply pipelines for the centralized management .