
  • 网络global history
  1. 从年鉴学派到全球史观&跨学科历史的发展

    From the Annals to Global History View & the Development of Trans-subjects

  2. 全球史观与近代早期世界史编纂

    Global History and the Compilation and Editing of Early World History in Modern Times

  3. 全球史观与中国历史地理学研究范围的拓展

    The Historical Ideas on Global Development and the Enlargement of the Research Range on Chinese Historical Geography

  4. 对全球史观和世界现代史体系重新建构的思考

    Reflections of the view of Global History and Reconstruction of the Theoretical System of Modern World History

  5. 历史分期的研究方法如今被全球史观全新的史学思维范式完全否定了。

    The method of division of historical periods has been negated completely by the brand-new historical thought pattern .

  6. 全球化作为活生生的现实,已呈现在世人面前,反映这一现实思维的观念&全球史观也被有些学者提出。

    As vivid reality , globalization have taken on to everybody and global historical view which is a new mind to the reality : have been advanced by some scholars .

  7. 用国际关系研究的方法观察世界历史的发展,或言之,在世界史研究中增加国际关系的视角可能有助于世界史研究的多样化。全球史观与世界史研究的几个问题

    In other words , the world system and system of international relations are the results of industrialization or globalization . Some Problems in Current Studies of World History Under Global Historical View

  8. 第二章本章从进步史观、全球史观和自下而上的历史观念等视角出发,论述霍布斯鲍姆以社会历史观为核心的历史本体论思想。

    Chapter two explores Hobsbawm 's historical ontology idea with social conception of history as its core from the perspective of progressive historical view , global historical view and the ' bottom-up ' conception of history .

  9. 历史学家斯塔夫里阿诺斯秉承18世纪启蒙思想进步史观的传统,以全球史观统帅文明模式理论、地缘政治理论、文化交流理论、长时段和宏观历史理论,构建了全球通史体系。

    Historian Stavrianos has outlined his theoretical system characterized with a global concept of history that governs many theories like those of civilization pattern , geographical politics , cultural communication , and of long timing phase and macro-history .

  10. 全球史观是研究历史的视角和方法,运用全球史观研究世界史应该在研究世界多样性的基础上,重在多样性之间联系的研究,摒弃一个中心观,注重对中心的研究。

    Global historical view is a perspective and method to study history , base of studying world " diversification " and put the emphasis on the ties of " diversification " and abandon " one-core view " and pay an attention to " core " .