
quán yīn
  • whole step;tone;whole tone
全音 [quán yīn]
  • [whole tone] 两个基频比近似于二的六次方根的声音频程

全音[quán yīn]
  1. 民歌演唱技法研究贝尔格《钢琴奏鸣曲》(Op.1)中的半音、全音音列技法

    A study on the singing technique of Chinese folk songs Semitone and Whole-tone Note-row Technique in Berg 's Piano Sonata op.1

  2. 该SH1800的设计,以增加低频声压自置居所的乐富豪专业系列扬声器,或其他全音域柜的能力。

    The SH1800 is designed to augment the LF SPL capabilities of Wharfedale Pro SHO Series loudspeakers , or other full-range cabinets .

  3. 这种基本的口琴是一种全音的乐器。

    The basic harmonica is a diatonic instrument .

  4. 所以,为了奏出优美的全音,我需要时间去放松。

    To get a full sound , I need times when I can ease off .

  5. 从三全音地位的变化看20世纪和声音响的重要特征

    On the Important Characters of Harmonic Sound in the 20th Century from Functional Changes of Tritone

  6. 从以前的标准看相邻音之间的关系是一个全音或半音。

    The relationship of adjacent notes in all the previous scales is a whole-step or half-step .

  7. 歌曲中采用了大量的三全音和半音,为作品营造了一抹特有的沉重愁惨意味。

    The use of tritones and semitones is paramount throughout this work to give it its distinctly poignant flavour .

  8. (音乐)基于有5个全音和2个半音组成的标准大音阶或者标准小音阶。

    ( music ) based on the standard major or minor scales consisting of 5 tones and 2 semitones without modulation by accidentals .

  9. 论文对音程的音高距离说与音高关系说、全音音程与半音音程、有理音程与无理音程、未知音程与乱码音程,逐一进行了辨析。

    The paper discussed the various intervals with viewpoints of pitches interval and relation , rational and irrational intervals , whole-tone and semitone interval .

  10. 有时候三全音的一个或两个音调会一起从音阶中被忽略,这样就创造出了六音阶或五音阶。

    Sometimes one or both notes of the tritone will be omitted from the scale altogether , which creates a hexatonic or pentatonic scale .

  11. 功能型术语可分为单一功能型术语和局部功能型术语;音译型术语可分为全音译型术语和半音译型术语;仿生型术语可分为仿动物型术语和仿事物型术语。

    Functional terms can be divided into a single functional terms and part function terms ; transliteration-based terms can be divided into full transliteration terms and semi transliteration terms .

  12. 六根弦的每一根弦在降低一个全音,或升高一个全音情况下不会增加琴颈及琴弦的受力。

    Each of the six strings can be alternately tuned as low as a whole step lower and as much as a whole step higher without stressing the neck or the strings .

  13. 第三节调式化和声进行中,阐述作品中的调式化非功能性和声进行、三全音或小二度关系对调性中心音的支持、调性中心音的贯穿、线性和声思维问题。

    The third quarter of this arrangements , expounds the works of this non-functional arrangements , tritone or small 2 degrees of tonal center sound relationship between support , tonal center sound , linear harmonic thinking through .

  14. 作品中大量使用四度叠置和声和增三和弦的反传统和声语汇,采用线性对位的复调技法,旋律织体半音化、全音化,速度力度对比反差极端鲜明。

    The work applied a great many nontraditional harmonies & fourth chord and augmented triad , polyphonic techniques of linear counterpoint , melodic texture presented as semitones and full tone series , with distinct contrast of dynamics and speed .

  15. 随后逐渐扩展到西欧。法国作曲家德彪西将全音音阶运用到各个时期的作品当中,并将其成为构成印象主义音乐丰富色彩的主要音乐语言。

    Then it extended to the West Europe . Debussy , who was the famous French composer applied the whole-tone scale in his all kinds of periods ' works and made it to be the main language of the colorful impressionist music .

  16. 第四节,把旋律进行的特征主要归为以下五个方面:小三度进行的旋律、全音进行的旋律、半音上行的旋律、固定音型式的旋律、长时值持续音和同音重复。

    Section TV , the characteristics of the main melodies into the following five areas : small three times the melody , the melodic whole tone , chromatic melody up , fixed the sound patterns of melodies , continue to sustain long homonym repeat value .