
quán wēi fēn
  • Total differential;complete differential
全微分[quán wēi fēn]
  1. 本文利用MATLAB符号工具箱,通过编程可求出齐次方程的解,通过自动寻找积分因子,从而求出全微分方程的通解,另外指出文献[3]中的一个错误。

    This paper applies symbol toolbox of MATLAB to solve the implicit solution of the homogeneous and complete differential equation by programming and point out one error in reference [ 3 ] .

  2. 基于全微分的戴维南等值参数跟踪算法

    Tracing Algorithm for Thevenin Equivalent Parameters Based on Complete Differential Equation

  3. 这意味着这个微分,是把z看做x,y函数的全微分。

    That means that this thing , the differential , is the total differential of z viewed as a function of x and y.

  4. 全微分概念的表征及教学对策

    The presentation and instructional strategy of the concept of total differential

  5. 机床夹具定位误差及其全微分计算方法

    Positioning Error of Machine Tool Fixtures and the Differential Calculation Method

  6. 一类全微分方程问题的求解定理

    The Theorem on the Solution to One Type of Complete Differential Equation

  7. 用全微分法进行角度公差换算

    Having common difference matrixing of angle by total differential method

  8. 全微分方程的分解求积法

    A Method of integration by Decomposition for Total Differential Equations

  9. 基准不符误差的全微分计算法

    Total Differential Calculation of Reference Errors ERROR AND DATA PROCESSING

  10. 提出了一种系统能量裕度灵敏度的解析算法,从能量裕度的数学表达式出发,利用能量裕度的全微分公式进行灵敏度计算。

    An energy margin sensitivity calculation of power system is presented in this paper .

  11. 采用了简便的全微分近似法,避免了繁杂的电磁模式的场方程法,所得的结果具有较好的精度。

    The derived results are of high accuracy .

  12. 经验温度,工作温度,全微分。

    Empirical Temperature , Work , Exact Differentials .

  13. 这些量不是全微分。

    These quantities are not perfect differential .

  14. 全微分求偏导法和比较系数方法的同一性

    The Identity of Method of Derivation Calculus for Complete Differential Equation and Method of Comparing Coefficient

  15. 微热与微功不是全微分的独立自变量选择

    The term heat δ q and work δ w are not independent variables of total differential

  16. 求解全微分方程的另一种方法

    Another Method to Solve Differential Equation

  17. 使得听力微弱或者完全听不见。这些量不是全微分。

    Caused to hear poorly or not at all . These quantities are not perfect differential .

  18. 螺纹中径当量的全微分优化逼近算法及图形仿真

    An Optimal Approximate Algorithm of Complete Differential and Computer Graphic Simulation for Screw Thread Pitch Diameter Equivalent

  19. 多元函数微分的确切名字,是全微分,正好和偏微分区别开来。

    The actual name of that is the total differential , as opposed to the partial derivatives .

  20. 本文使用全微分法和常数变易法,从不同角度给出伯努利方程通解的公式。

    In this paper , the methods of variation of parameters for salving the Vacco dynamical equations are given .

  21. 考虑戴维南等值参数在跟踪计算过程中不断变化的实际情况,提出基于全微分的戴维南等值参数跟踪计算方法。

    Tracing algorithm for Thevenin equivalent parameters based on complete differential equation was presented in consideration of parameter variation during calculation .

  22. 基于全微分法解平面尺寸链及孔系坐标公差的计算通式

    The whole system is confined in a steel container . Flat Dimensional Chain and the Formulas of Holes Coordinate Tolerance Based on Differentiation

  23. 其中关于均方全微分和均方方向导数的定理是多指标随机过程所特有的结论。

    Four of them , i.e. the theorems on the mean-square total differential and mean-square directional derivative are special conclusions of the multiple parameter stochastic processes .

  24. 在诸因素变动幅度不大的条件下,代之以全微分法是一个理想的选择。

    Within the range of all uncertain factors being narrow , it is an ideal way for us to replace it with the total differentiation method .

  25. 计算机计算表明,本文提出的全微分优化逼近算法优于常用算法及三点接触式算法。

    The computer calculation results show that the algorithm presented in this paper is optimal , compared with the common algorithm and three point contact type algorithm .

  26. 现在可以看到,全微分里面的这些偏导数系数,都可以用一个变量表示出来。

    Now you see how the total differential accounts for , somehow , all the partial derivatives that come as coefficients of the individual variables in these expressions .

  27. 本文研究多指标随机过程的均方连续性,均方偏导数,均方全微分,均方方向导数和均方积分。

    The paper deals with the mean-square continuity , mean-square partial derivative , mean-square total differential , mean-square directional derivative and mean-square integration of the multiple parameter stochastic processes .

  28. 由此根据经营杠杆的本质涵义,借助多元函数全微分法,将作业基础经营杠杆定义并推导其系数为与业务量相关的一个多维向量。

    According to the essential meaning of operating leverage , with multiple functions differentiation , author define activity-based operating leverage and deduce activity-based operating leverage degree is a multi-dimensional vector-valued .

  29. 提出一种普遍适用的勒让德变换图,它建立在某函数全微分的基础之上,含有大量的信息。

    This paper advances a universally suitable mnemonic diagram of Legendre trans - formations , it bases on the complete differential of some function and contains a great deal of information .

  30. 本论文应用微分变换和齐次坐标变换的全微分建立误差方程组,讨论了双三角形并联机构的位姿误差分布。

    This paper employs differentiation transformation and the method of differentiating completely homogeneous coordinate transformation to set up errors equations group , the discussion of the errors of double-triangle PKM is conducted .