
  • 网络Full color;full-color;full colour
  1. 谈LED全彩色显示屏的应用和技术指标

    Application and the Technical Specification of Full Color LED Display Screen

  2. LED全彩色显示屏的白平衡和色均匀问题

    White Balance and Color Uniform of Full Color LED Display Screen

  3. 浅析全彩色显示屏用LED的搭配选择

    Analysis of pixel configuration of Full - color LED Display

  4. 全彩色LED显示的亮度与色度的关系

    The Relation Between Luminance and Chroma of Full Color LED Image Display

  5. 一种实现全彩色多灰度LED大屏幕图象显示技术研究

    A Study of Technology for Resolution of Full-color Multiple-gray LED Large Screen Display

  6. 全彩色LED大屏的亮度非线性修正

    Correction of Non-linearity of Luminance For Color LED Display

  7. 大功率全彩色LED驱动电路的研制

    Development of a High-power Full-color LED Lighting Driver

  8. 全彩色LED显示屏的均匀性包括亮度均匀性和色度均匀性两个方面。

    Brightness and chroma are the two aspects of the uniformity problem for the full-color LED display panels .

  9. 基于CPLD的全彩色LED屏设计

    Design of Full-color LED Panel Based on CPLD

  10. 基于SOPC的全彩色LED景观灯控制系统设计

    Design of full-color LED lights control system based on SOPC

  11. LED显示屏的发展经历了单色到灰度的发展历程,目前正向着全彩色,高一致性方向发展。

    The LED panel developed through monochrome , gray-sca led , and now to the era of full color and highly consistency .

  12. 最后由灯控IP核通过PWM口控制LED景观灯的全彩色显示。

    And at last the IP core of light control controls the full-color show of LED lights using PWM ports .

  13. LED是当前新型的发光源,它具有节能、环保、寿命长、可靠性高及可实现全彩色变化等特点。

    LED is a new type of light source at present . It is energy-saving , environmental protecting , long life but high reliable .

  14. 本文研究的是对全彩色同步LED屏的控制,控制LED屏同步显示在上位机显示系统中某固定位置处的图像。

    The thesis focus on controlling full color LED screen synchronously , controlling LED screen to display video in a fixed position of upper computer synchronously .

  15. 基于FPGA的全彩色AM-OLED显示屏数字灰度方案

    A Digital Gray-Scale Scheme for Full-Color AM-OLED Display Based on FPGA

  16. 全彩色有源矩阵OLED显示技术展望

    Prospect of Full Colorized Display Technology of Active Matrix OLED

  17. 单片机控制的OLED全彩色静态和动态视频图像显示

    Full color static and video image display of OLED controlled by Singlechip

  18. 介绍一种以LED作为光源的单片LCOS全彩色投影机。

    We report a full color projection display based on a single LCOS panel using LED light sources .

  19. 该文研究了在全彩色LED显示系统中应用基色转换技术实现图像的真彩色显示。

    Based on the theory of primary color transformation , truecolor display technique for LED display screen with RGB three primary colors is put forward in this paper .

  20. 单片机控制OLED显示全彩色静态图片和动态图像的系统设计

    Design of Full Color Static and Dynamic Image by OLED Display Based on Single-chip Controlling

  21. 自90年代以来,LED显示屏的设计制造和应用水平的到日益提高,LED显示屏经历了从单色、双色图文屏到图像显示屏,一直到到今天的全彩色视频显示屏的发展过程。

    LED panel system gain rapid development in the design , manufacture and application from nineties ages . It went through from single color and two color to image LED panel .

  22. 全彩色GIF图像文件编码程序分析

    Analysis on the Program for Coding GIF Image File

  23. LED显示屏自问世以来,经历了飞速的发展,现今,全彩色LED显示屏已经成为了平板显示器的一个重要产品。

    The LED panel display has been developing greatly since it came to the world , and now the full-color LED panel display has been the main branch of the panel display .

  24. 电视技术的高清晰度和数字化,要求与之相应的视频显示设备具有较高分辨率,而室外全彩色LED显示屏之类的特种显示设备因各种原因,难以达到这样的高分辨率要求。

    With the high definition and the digitalization of video technology , the corresponding video display apparatus should have a high definition , while special display apparatus such as outdoor true color LED panel can not achieve so high definition .

  25. 全彩色投影仪的对比度为80:1,亮度大于1800流明(ANSI)。钓丝的斜度也比较明显。

    The projector displays the full-color pictures with a contrast ratio of 80:1 and a brightness greater than 1800 ANSI lumens .

  26. 随着半导体技术的发展,LED显示屏的设计制造和应用水平得到日益提高,LED显示屏经历了从单色、双色图文显示屏到全彩色视频显示屏的发展过程。

    Along with the development of the semiconductor technology , the LED screen has acquired rapid improvement in design , manufacture and application . It went through from single color and two color image LED screen to full-color video LED screen .

  27. 2英寸全彩色AM-OLED显示屏的驱动方案

    A Driving Scheme for 2-inch Full-color AM-OLED Displays

  28. 作为该技术的应用研究,阐述在一个异步全彩色LED大屏幕显示系统的设计中采用EDA技术完成其总控模块设计的可行性和具体设计方法。

    As an applicative research of this technology , this paper introduces the feasibility and design method of using EDA technology to design the chief control module of a full color large screen LED display system .

  29. 一种大开口率高性能的全彩色AMLCD

    A High_Aperture and High_Performance Full_Color AMLCD

  30. a-SiTFT-LCD具有高分辨率、全彩色,满足视频显示,显示品质优异等特点。

    A-Si TFT-LCD has many merits , such as high definition display , full color , meeting the demands on video , high display performance and so on .