
quán chēng
  • full name
全称 [quán chēng]
  • [full name] 机关、团体等的正式名称的完整的称呼

  • 少先队的全称是少年先锋队

全称[quán chēng]
  1. 新疆的全称是新疆维吾尔自治区。

    The full name of Xinjiang is Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region .

  2. TitleNine全称为1972教育修正案第九条(TitleNineoftheEducationAmendmentsofnineteenseventy-two)。

    The full name is Title Nine of the Education Amendments of nineteen seventy-two .

  3. 2022年冬残奥会火炬与冬奥会火炬结构与样式相同,采用金色与银色,火炬最下方刻有“北京2022年冬残奥会”全称的盲文。

    Sharing the same structure and patterns , the torch for the 2022 Paralympic Winter Games features a different color scheme of gold and silver . The bottom of the torch is engraved with Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games in Braille .

  4. PASS项目全称非洲种子系统工程。

    PASS is the Program for Africa 's Seed Systems .

  5. PCR的全称是聚合酶链式反应(PolymeraseChainReaction)一词。

    PCR is short for polymerase chain reaction , which has a storied history .

  6. ASP的全称为ApplicationServiceprovider,中文译名为应用服务供应商或应用服务托管。

    ASP-called Application Service Provider , have been translated into Chinese for application service providers or application hosting services .

  7. 所谓3G,其实它的全称为ThirdGeneration,中文含义就是指第三代数字通信。

    So called 3G , its full name is 3rd generation in reality , Chinese means the third generation digital communication .

  8. MBA的英文全称为masterofbusinessadministration,是一种应用型管理学硕士学位。

    MBA is the abbreviation of " master of business administration ", and it is one kind of the degrees of M. Administration .

  9. 1.acronymn.首字母简略词,简称艾滋病的全称是“获得性免疫缺损综合征”。

    AIDS is an acronym for " Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome .

  10. OPC全称是OLEForProcessControl,它的出现为基于Windows的应用程序和现场过程控制应用建立了桥梁。

    OPC ( OLE for Process Control ), acts as a bridge between the application , based on Windows and on-sited process control .

  11. XML全称是可扩展标识语言(EXtensibleMarkupLanguage),它是一种元语言,是用来描述其它语言的语言。

    XML stands for " Extensible Markup Language " . It 's a metalanguage , which can describe other languages .

  12. 这张图有点文字游戏的感觉,因为在英国警察的全称是'thepoliceforce'。

    This picture is a play on words , because in the UK the full name for the police is ' the police force ' .

  13. 此外,SMAP(全称SportsMusicAssemblePeople)的成员也同样出现在烹饪节目和日本转播里约奥运会的节目中。

    Members of SMAP , which stands for " Sports Music Assemble People , " have also appeared on cookery shows and Japanese coverage of the Rio Olympics .

  14. 自动完成聚合酶链式反应的仪器就是PCR仪,全称酶链聚合扩增仪。

    The instrument that can automatically finish the polymerase chain reaction is called PCR instrument , whose full name is PCR Gene Amplification Instrument .

  15. 首先,every和每不同于其它全称量词如all/所有,后面不能直接接论元如不可数名词或光杆复数名词。

    Firstly , different from other universal quantifier such as all / suo you , both every and mei cannot be followed by arguments such as mass noun or bare plural nouns directly .

  16. WAP全称为无线应用协议,它是一个用于向无线终端设备进行智能化信息传递的无线网络协议。

    WAP is abbreviation to Wireless Application Protocol .

  17. 光纤时域反射仪(OTDR)是八十年代才发展起来的新型光纤故障测试设备,全称是OpticalTimeDomainReflectometer。

    Optical Time Domain Reflectometer ( OTDR ) is a kind of the new type optical malfunction measuring equipment that developed in 1980 's.

  18. TI蜗杆传动,全称渐开面包络环面蜗杆传动,由渐开线斜齿圆柱齿轮及其包络的环面蜗杆组成。

    TI worm gearing , namely toroidal involute worm gearing , consists of involute helical gear and hourglass worm enveloped by the gear .

  19. POI(Pointofinterest)的全称为地理兴趣点,顾名思义,就是令人感兴趣的点。

    POI ( point of interest ) as the entire geographic point of interest , as the name suggests , is an interesting point .

  20. SNS,全称SocialnetworkingServices,即社会性网络服务,专指旨在帮助人们建立社会性网络的互联网应用服务。

    SNS , Social Networking Services , namely the Social network Services used to transport the aims to help people build Social network of Internet application Services .

  21. 聚苯硫醚(PPS)全称聚苯基硫醚,是一种性能优异的特种工程塑料,也是一种结晶性树脂。

    PPS is a special type of engineering plastic of excelled performances and crystalloid colophony .

  22. LISA(全称空间天线式激光干涉仪)是一个空间的探测器。

    The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna , LISA , is a detector that will fly in space .

  23. 全称FrameworkforIntegratedTest,是用于书写和执行验收测试的一个框架软件,最初由WardCunningham开发,用于Java。

    FIT , or Framework for Integrated Test , is a framework used for writing and executing acceptance tests originally developed for Java by Ward Cunningham .

  24. HACCP体系全称为危害分析关键控制点,现已成为世界上最有权威的食品安全质量保护体系。

    The full name of HACCP system is food " hazard analysis critical control point system " .

  25. SNS,全称SocialnetworkingServices,2003年兴起于美国,继而成为风靡全球的互联网应用。

    SNS , full name of the Social Networking Services , rise in the United States in 2003 and then become a popular internet application around the world .

  26. 三星是OLED领域几乎无可争辩的王者。OLED的全称是有机发光二极管。

    Samsung is the near-undisputed king of OLED , or organic light-emitting diode , display technology .

  27. LTB的全称是LongTimeEvolution,我国在LTE的技术标准下,制定了TD-LTE无线网络标准。

    The full name of LTE is Long Time Evolution . Under the LTE technical standards , China government has made the TD-LTE wireless network standard .

  28. 对CRF训练得到的语言模型采用N折交叉测试,商业实体全称的识别精确度达到了94.6%,召回率达到91.4%,平均F值达到92.9%。

    Using N-folder cross to evaluate it , company full name recognition accuracy achieved 94.6 % , recall is 91.4 % , and F-Value is 92.9 % .

  29. 佩妮:没用的扎克连NPR的全称都拼不出来。

    Penny : Wouldn 't help . Zack can 't even spell NPR .

  30. 如果您的笔记本电脑的名称为“laptop”,那么该显示器的全称为“laptop:0.0”。

    If your laptop were named " laptop ," the full name of the display would be " laptop : 0.0 " .