
  1. 我们必须更新观念、科学规划、改革体制、筹措资金,以早日实现全民生活小康化的目标。

    We muse renovate our idea , constitute rational layout , reform system and raise money to realize our aim of middle-class family .

  2. 以平缝机为代表的缝制机械对支撑服装加工等相关产业发展,提高全民生活水平,推进社会进步,促进国民经济发展起着重要的作用。

    The sewing machine , which is represented by the lock-stitch sewing machine , plays an important role in supporting garment processing and other related industry development , enhancing the living standard , promoting social progress , and promoting national economic development .

  3. 不过我们得考虑全民的生活水平。

    But we must consider the quality of life for all people .

  4. 加快全民体育生活化进程的构想

    The Proposition for Quickening the Progress of Promoting Nation - wide Civil Sports

  5. 电力产业作为我国的一项公共服务行业,关系着全民的经济生活水平。

    Electric power industry is a public service industry , and it relates to the level of economic life .

  6. “城镇转型运动”一种全民倡导的可持续生活方式和建立本地化的生态弹性(EcologicalResilience)概念,摆脱日常对石油的依赖。

    Transition Town Movement is a national sustainable lifestyle and a localized Ecological Resilience concept , shaking off the dependence on petrol in daily life .

  7. 本文立足于社会发展,着重分析了信息资源网络化对科技进步、全民教育、政治生活、环境保护和医疗保健的影响。

    The paper , which bases itself upon social development , mainly analyzes the effects of information resources networking on scientific and technological development , education of the whole people , political life , environmental protection and medical treatment and health care .