
  • 网络nea;national education association
  1. 全国教育协会:美国教育界一股不容忽视的力量

    NEA : An Indispensable Force of Educational Circle in America

  2. 本文主要探讨全国教育协会角色转变的背景、原因、过程和意义。

    With a multi-purport , this dissertation set to explore the context , causes , process and significance of the role transformation of the NEA .

  3. 美国全国教育协会(NationalEducationAssociationoftheUnitedStates)是美国一个历史悠久的民间教育团体,也是世界上最大的教师专业团体。

    National Education Association of the United States is an age-old nongovernmental educational organization and the largest teachers ' group in the world .

  4. 根据2001年美国全国教育协会所做的一项对阅读的调查。

    According to a survey on reading conducted in 2001 by the U.S. National Education Association .

  5. 中美教育专业团体的功能比较&以中国教育学会和美国全国教育协会为例美全国教育测验协会美全国教育测验协会

    The Function Comparing of Education Professional Organization Between China and US-Take China Educational Society and the American Nation Education Association as Example

  6. 美国全国教育协会估计,美国每天大约有10万名学生带枪上学。

    The US National Association of Education estimates that about 100,000 students in the United States take arms to school every day .

  7. 全国教育协会诞生、发展和壮大的这一个多世纪正是美国社会向城市化和现代化飞速迈进的时期。

    The more-than-one-century-long period during which American society marched towards urbanization and modernization witnessed the birth , growing , and prospering of the NEA .

  8. 美国教师联合会和全国教育协会积极倡导集体谈判制度,保障大学教师的合法权益,促进了美国学术职业的发展。

    American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association also called for faculty collective bargaining for legal rights . Thus American academic profession was developed .

  9. 全国教育协会美国第一个全国性教师专业组织自成立以来对美国教育所做的贡献具体表现为:塑造和规范美国教师以及教学专业;

    NEA is the first national teacher professional organization which devoted itself to American education . Its major successes were : molding and standardizing teachers and teaching ;

  10. 角色转变给全国教育协会的行事风格和组织策略等带来了巨大的变化,同时也使得协会与美国教育的关系变得更加复杂。

    This role transformation bestowed an enormous change in the operating style and organizational strategy within the NEA and an even more complex relation between the association and the American education .

  11. 此一战,全国教育协会及其支持者们必定落败,凯特·华士预言道,身为全美教师质量委员会的主席,她是工会们讨厌的智囊团。

    The NEA and its supporters will eventually lose this fight , says Kate Walsh , the president of the National Council on Teacher Quality , a think-tank that unions love to hate .

  12. 全国中等教育工作者协会高等教育促进发展合作协会

    National Association of Middle School Educators Higher Education for Development Cooperation

  13. 国际教育协作研究协会全国中等教育工作者协会

    International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education National Association of Middle School Educators