
  • 网络rodriguez;Rodrigues;Sergio Rodriguez;James Rodriguez
  1. 哥伦比亚球星J罗德里格斯带着六粒进球和沉重的心离开了世界杯,此外还有他手臂上的一名不速之客。

    Colombia star James Rodriguez left the World Cup with six goals , a heavy heart and one unusual companion on his arm .

  2. 巴雷拉的同事塞尔焦•罗德里格斯说:这不是落后的问题。

    Sergio Rodriguez , Barrera 's colleague , says : It 's not a question of being behind .

  3. 罗德里格斯是一家名为Senta的公司的社区和营销经理。

    Rodriguez is the community and marketing manager for a company called Sentab .

  4. 她告诉罗德里格斯,这可能对其他人比较方便,但她感觉不出来。

    She tells Rodriguez that it might be good for someone , but not for her .

  5. 罗德里格斯说,重要的是不能让住户觉得他在推销什么东西。

    Rodriguez says it 's important that residents here don 't feel like he 's selling them something .

  6. 罗德里格斯是第七名搬进布鲁克代尔1100个老年人社区之一的企业家。

    Rodriguez is just the seventh entrepreneur to move into one of Brookdale 's 1,100 senior living communities .

  7. 相反,罗德里格斯会询问住户的想法,比如他想在芝士汉堡上加点什么,或者他下午想干点什么。

    Instead , Rodriguez solicits residents ' advice on what he should get on his cheeseburger and how he should spend the afternoon .

  8. 但罗德里格斯表示,通过搬进布鲁克代尔社区,他仍在学习一些重要的东西,“人们比我们想得要更熟悉科。”

    But Rodriguez says he 's still learning something important by moving into this Brookdale community : " People are more tech-proficient than we thought . "

  9. 平心而论,如果罗德里格斯想从恐惧接触科技的老年人那里得到反馈,他就不该选择布鲁克代尔社区。

    To be fair , if Rodriguez had wanted feedback from some more technophobic seniors , he might have ended up in the wrong Brookdale community .

  10. 罗德里格斯说:“这不既不新奇也不复杂,因为很多人都用电视遥控器,得心应手。”

    " It 's nothing new , it 's nothing too complicated and it 's natural because lots of people have TV remotes , " says Rodriguez .

  11. CarlosRodriguez(卡洛斯-罗德里格斯)-你引导我超越极限。

    Carlos Rodriguez - for pushing me beyond the limits I thought I could reach 。

  12. 她的同事罗德里格斯(Rodriguez)表示:男人把他的品牌视同为女人。

    Her colleague Rodriguez says : A man thinks of his brand as a woman .

  13. 全场大部分时间里,韩国队都只能跟在阿根廷后面疲于奔命,试图能够跟上特维斯(CarlosTevez),迪马利亚(AngelDiMaria),伊瓜因和罗德里格斯之间眼花缭乱的传球表演。

    For most of the game , Argentina kept the Koreans on their heels , struggling to catch up with the dizzying combinations of passes between Carlos Tevez , Angel Di Maria , and Higuain and Rodriguez .

  14. 网球运动管理中心将寄希望于李娜的新教练罗德里格斯(CarlosRodriguez)来增强她的心理素质。这位教练曾指导海宁(JustineHenin)获得了七次大满贯冠军。

    Chinese Tennis Association will be hoping Li 's mental strength can be buoyed by her new coach Carlos Rodriguez , who guided Justine Henin to seven Grand Slams .

  15. 我们不能指望在罗伯特•罗德里格斯与昆汀•塔伦蒂诺共同指导的《从夜晚到黎明》中,莎尔玛•海雅克的戏份和SantanicoPandemonium一样多,但那句话怎么说来着?

    We didn 't expect to see much of Salma Hayek as Santanico Pandemonium in Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino 's " From Dust Til Dawn , " but what 's that saying ?

  16. 罗德里格斯说,这名盗贼借助一架梯子爬进这栋房子。

    The burglar used a ladder to break into the house .

  17. 波萨达螺栓一半罗德里格斯的会议。

    Posada bolted about halfway through Rodriguez 's session .

  18. 罗德里格斯一再表示自己没有使用兴奋剂。

    Rodriguez once again has repeatedly said he did not use performance-enhancing drugs .

  19. 罗德里格斯说:维也纳在众多领域都得分很高。

    " Vienna scores high on a number of those areas ," Rodriguez said .

  20. 西班牙首相何塞•路易斯•罗德里格斯•萨帕特罗称自己“非常开心和激动”。

    Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said he was " happy and emotional .

  21. 感谢罗德里格斯、毛罗、安德烈和帕布罗给我们写信。

    Thanks to Rodriguez , Mauro , Andre and Pablo for writing to us .

  22. 罗德里格斯说:这类事件在全世界任何一个地方都可能发生。

    Things like this could happen in any part of the world , she said .

  23. 罗德里格斯医生说,整个手术的成本相当于肝脏移植手术。

    The cost of the procedure is comparable to a liver transplant , Rodriguez said .

  24. 萨米·李同时还谈到了最近才刚刚加盟球队的罗德里格斯的适应情况。

    Lee also spoke about how well recent recruit Maxi Rodriguez is settling into life at Anfield .

  25. 位于多伦多的美世加拿大分公司的罗德里格斯说:我们的得分非常高。

    We score quite high , said Rodriguez , market business leader for Mercer Canada in Toronto .

  26. 假如亚历克斯•罗德里格斯看上去这样伤痕累累、血迹斑斑,好莱坞的新秀们还会渴望跟他约会吗?

    Would Hollywood starlets be so keen on dating Alex Rodriguez if he looked this bruised and bloody ?

  27. 马西-罗德里格斯已经透露他与西纳马-庞格勒的谈话说服他利物浦就是属于他加盟的地方。

    Maxi Rodriguez has revealed how conversations with Florent Sinama-Pongolle convinced him Liverpool was the place to be .

  28. 西卡:我刚从罗德里格斯教授那拿回论文,上面全是被批改的记号。

    Xica : I just got my paper back from Professor Rodriguez and it 's all marked up .

  29. 阿尔维斯的经纪人何塞-罗德里格斯坚持要求塞维利亚接受切尔西的报价。

    Alves 's agent Jose Rodriguez Baster has now insisted that they want Sevilla to accept Chelsea 's bid .

  30. 来自曼哈顿的洛葛仙妮•罗德里格斯粉碎了一张写有“文思枯竭”字样的纸张。

    Roxanne Rodriguez of Manhattan shredded a piece of paper with " Writer 's block " written on it .