
  • 网络Romanee Conti;Romanee Contin;DRC Romanee Conti
  1. 香港——六瓶1990年的勃艮第罗曼尼-康帝(Romanée-Conti)上个月在佳士得拍卖,最终以98万港币(约合78万人民币)的价格卖给亚洲买主。

    HONG KONG - Six bottles of 1990 Roman é e-Conti Burgundy sold to an Asian buyer at a Christie 's auction in Hong Kong last month for 980000 Hong Kong dollars ( $ 126345 ) .

  2. 香港拍卖会上的拍品包括六瓶产于1999年的罗曼尼•康帝干红葡萄酒(Romanee-ContiGrandCru),同这些葡萄酒一起拍卖的是1999年曼联队在欧洲冠军联赛(ChampionsLeague)上夺冠时穿的球衣。

    Among the items on offer in Hong Kong : Six bottles of 1999 Roman é e-Conti Grand Cru paired with a Manchester United shirt from the team 's Champions League triumph in 1999 .

  3. 弗格森所收藏的大量来自罗曼尼·康帝酒庄的葡萄酒是全世界每一位收藏家都希望拥有的。

    e-Conti , Mr. Ferguson has a wine that every collector in the world would like to own .

  4. 有上面几道大菜,195.67美元的鹅肝酱和326.12美元的神户牛肉便宜得如同儿戏。还没有提到酒单,酒品包含一瓶27720.20美元的曼尼·康帝,由罗曼尼·康帝酒庄出品。

    The dinner will be accompanied by an expensive selection of wine which included a $ 27720.20 bottle of La Romanee-Conti , Domaine de la Romanee-Conti , according to reports .