
  • 网络News and current affairs
  1. 恐怖袭击事件中至少有四人重伤。这本讽刺漫画杂志在过去就因其报道的新闻时事大不敬而备受争议。

    At least four people were critically wounded in the attack . The satirical weekly has courted controversy in the past with its irreverent take on news and current affairs .

  2. 教授历史很重要,因为学生要能理解新闻时事发生的背景。

    Teaching history is important because students should be able to understand the background to current issues in the news .

  3. 至少应该关心一下新闻时事啊。

    You might at least care about the current events .

  4. 报纸是人们了解新闻时事、接受信息的主要媒介,其普及性广,影响力大。

    To accept the information , its popularity is wide , and the influence is big .

  5. 我对流行时尚及化妆品着迷,但也喜欢观赏记录片及新闻时事。

    I am also into fashion and cosmetics but I also enjoy watching documentaries and the news .

  6. 《新周刊》作为新闻时事杂志的异类,充分运用差异化战略,步步为营,闯出了一片新天地。

    Different from the common news magazines , New Weekly applies the differentiation strategy to careful practice and finally gets success .

  7. Wikinews是一个内容开放的协作站点,发布有关新闻和时事的文章。

    Wikinews is an open content , collaborative site for publishing articles on news and current events .

  8. Wikinews是获得有关新闻和时事文章的站点,它的理念是具有某些知识或参与某些事件的人士可以帮助填充相关页面的内容。

    Wikinews is an outlet for articles on news and current events , with the idea that people knowledgeable of events and involved in events can collaboratively fill in the relevant pages .

  9. 创造基于网络新闻和时事的大学英语课堂教学

    To create a college English lesson based on Internet news

  10. 二十四小时的印度及国际新闻、时事节目频道。

    Round the clock news and current affairs Channel with widespread national and international reportage .

  11. 二十四小时印及国际新闻,时事频道.当地新闻媒体几乎即时抢播这起事件。

    Instant news and current affairs channel with wide Indian and international reportage . Local news picked up the incident almost immediately .

  12. 我平时比较爱好听音乐,看电影,经济新闻及时事评论,文学书籍,以及户外运动,偶尔也喜欢炒炒股。

    I enjoy musics , movies , economic news , press comments , literature and outdoor games , also occasionally I like stocks exchange .

  13. 香港电台是香港唯一的公营广播机构,其制作范畴包括新闻、时事、艺术、文化及教育方面的电视及电台节目。

    Radio Television Hong Kong RTHK is the sole public broadcaster producing TV and radio programmes covering news , current affairs , arts , culture and education in Hong kong .

  14. 报纸[newspaper]是以刊载新闻和时事评论为主的定期向公众发行的印刷出版物,是信息的重要载载体,具有反映和引导社会舆论的功能。

    Newspaper is a periodically publication which is oriented towards the news and topical comments . It is an important carrier of information and has a function of reflecting and directing public opinion .

  15. 新闻作品不同于时事新闻,它拥有版权。

    The news work is different with the current event news , it owns the copyright .

  16. 美国报纸和世界其他国家一样,既有耸人听闻的小报,报道犯罪、情和小道消息,也有严肃报刊,聚焦时事新闻,分析国际时事。

    Like the press in most other countries , American newspapers range from the sensational , which feature crime , sex and gossip , to the serious , which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events .