
  • 网络PeopleSoft;Klein-Nishina;klein-nishim
  1. 仁科(PeopleSoft)创始人戴夫•达菲尔德和阿尼尔•博斯瑞已成立了一家新的云公司,专注于提供会计和人力资源应用软件Workday。

    PeopleSoft founder Dave Duffield and aneel bhusri have formed a new cloud company focused on accounting and human resources applications called workday .

  2. 2004年,布斯里和达菲尔德还在执掌另一家人力资源软件机构仁科公司(PeopleSoft)。

    In 2004 , bhusri and Duffield were at the helm of another human resources software firm , PeopleSoft .

  3. 仁科诞生之时,正赶上许多商业应用从大型机平台转向个人计算机。

    PeopleSoft had come along when many business applications were migrating from running off of large mainframe computers to personal computers .

  4. 在一次与分析师的电话会议上,埃里森说甲骨文迄今为止的收购对象都是业内的领军企业&例如仁科,海波龙和西贝尔。

    On a conference call with analysts , Ellison said that Oracle 's acquisitions to date have been market leaders-PeopleSoft , Hyperion and Siebel .