
  • 网络print service;print spooler;spooler
  1. Web站点PHOTO(服务提供商)拥有用户(用户)的一些私人照片,但是此站点不提供打印服务。

    Web site PHOTO ( service provider ) holds some private photos of a user ( user ) . But this site does not provide a print service .

  2. NT网络打印服务计费管理

    Charging system of print service with NT network

  3. 要解除安装internet打印服务吗?

    Do you wish to uninstall Internet print services ?

  4. Excel作为VB数据库应用程序的打印服务程序

    Excel Working as the Printing Service Program for the VB Database

  5. (服务可以提供文件或打印服务、DHCP、Web内容、动态内容等)。

    The service can offer file or print services , DHCP , Web content , dynamic content , and others .

  6. 坏:思科代客加不支持双频段,它没有对存储或打印服务功能的USB端口。

    The bad : The Cisco Valet Plus doesn 't support dual-band and it has no USB port for storage or print-serving features .

  7. 比如,沃尔格林就使用API改善了现有的照片打印服务,让顾客可以直接用手机把照片打印出来交给当地的沃尔格林药店。

    For example , Walgreens uses APIs to leverage existing photo-printing services , letting customers print photos directly from their mobile phones to a local Walgreens store .

  8. 这个系统进程用于计算机使用专用的TCP/IP网络服务,例如DHCP,简单TCP和打印服务。这个程序对你系统的正常运行是非常重要的。

    This essential system process is initiated when the computer uses special TCP / IP networking services such as DHCP , Simple TCP and print services .

  9. 基于网络分布环境的打印服务系统RLP

    A remote printing service system based on Distributed Network Environment

  10. DebugHandler是一个简单的JAX-RPC处理程序,用于打印服务使用者或提供者发出的SOAP消息。

    DebugHandler is a simple JAX-RPC handler , used to print a SOAP message by either the service consumer or provider .

  11. 分析校园网环境下提供打印服务的几种方式,介绍网络打印机的安装、使用,最新网络打印技术Internet打印、IPP协议及其发展。

    The paper analyzed some ways for offering printing services via campus-wide LAN . This paper also introduced how to install and use network printer , the new technique and development about distributed printing on the Internet and the Internet Printing Protocol .

  12. 介绍了基于网络分布环境的远程打印服务系统(RLP)的设计目的、功能、结构和基本工作流程;

    This paper presents RLP , a remote printing service system . The target , function , structure , and processing procedures of RLP are introduced .

  13. 有打印服务的双子座出版社支持企鹅节日。

    Gemini Press supports Penguin Festival with printing services .

  14. 基于Client/Server结构打印服务系统设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Printing Service System Based on Client / Server Model

  15. Netware5中分布式打印服务的管理

    Administration of NOVELL Distributed Print Services in Netware

  16. 按单位订单的标准,接受来自打印服务获利的一小部分作为回报。

    Receives a small percentage of the profit from the printing service for each photo order .

  17. 分布式打印服务系统

    Distributed Printing Service Systems

  18. 办公版本集成了专业版本的所有功能并加上了网站服务,文件服务和打印服务。

    The Office edition includes all of the features in the Professional Edition , plus web , file and print services .

  19. 最后,以打印服务的应用来展示服务系统的运行效果和应用优势。

    Finally , using the service of print application to demonstrate the effectiveness and operate advantages of network services resource management system .

  20. 惠普以液体油墨代替墨粉之差来区分它与其他的数码打印服务。

    HP differentiates its Idigo presses from other digital printing services because it uses a liquid ink instead of a dry toner .

  21. 例如,使用者应用程序将依据用户所选的打印机名称,查找具有不同名称的打印服务。

    For example , a consumer application looks up printing services with different names depending on the printer name selected by the user .

  22. 一台可以提供文件服务、互联网接入点、打印服务、数据库服务、和邮件服务的服务器(包含图形界面)。

    Server that will function as a file server , Internet point-of-entry , print server , database server and a mail server ( with a GUI , please ) .

  23. 在DICOM网络通讯模型的基础上实现了标准所规定的基本灰度打印管理服务类。

    . On the base of DICOM communicating model , realized the Basic Grayscale Print Management Meta SOP Class .

  24. 本文简述DICOM中传输和打印管理服务的基本内容,对打印管理模块的功能进行了分析,在此基础上介绍了打印管理模块的设计与实现。

    In this part , we first summarized the information related with the communication model and printing management service in DICOM standard and described the function of printing management service .

  25. 后台打印程序服务无法处理来自传真服务的请求。

    The spooler service cannot process requests from the fax service .

  26. 银行专用打印设备服务营销研究

    Marketing Strategies Research on the Appropriative PRN Device of the Bank

  27. 医学图像存档和传输系统打印管理服务功能的实现

    The Realization of Picture Archiving and Communication System ( PACS ) Printing Management Service

  28. 如果您需要高质量的专业彩色激光打印标签服务,请联系凝睿电子客服人员。

    If you need high quality and professional color label customize , please contact us .

  29. 在服务站管理模块,实现了服务站新增、服务站撤销、服务站合并、服务站拆分、登记表打印、服务站信息查询、人房信息辖区调整七个功能。

    In the management module of the service station service station add , Revocation of service stations , service stations merge , split of the service station , print the registration form , information inquiry service station information of the person room area to adjust the seven functions .

  30. disable命令在将启动类型重置为SERVICEDISABLED之前打印旧的服务启动类型。

    The disable command prints the old start type of the service before resetting it to SERVICE_DISABLED .