
duǎn bàng
  • stub;stick
短棒 [duǎn bàng]
  • (1) [stick]

  • (2) 钓鱼人用来把钓得的鱼打昏或打死的一种棒

  • (3) 泛指不长的棒

  • 木棒;铁棒

短棒[duǎn bàng]
  1. 山形切口短棒法测定K(IC)值的现状

    Current Situation of Chevron-notched Short Rod Specimen Method for Measuring K_ ( Ic ) Values

  2. 采用自行设计的加载压头和粘接在V形切口短棒岩石断裂韧度试件上的2个半圆形钢片,实现了通过压头施加压缩载荷从而使裂纹尖端承受拉仲载荷的目的。

    On the basis of the chevron , notched short-rod specimen for fracture toughness test suggested by ISRM , a designed wedge and two semi-circle slices were used to enable compressive force to be applied on the wedge , whereas the crack tip remained loaded in tension .

  3. 本实验研究采用国际岩石力学学会建议的V型切口短棒岩石断裂韧度试件,岩石为瑞典的卡莱克思(Kallax)辉长岩,试件直径为71.4mm。

    The author used the chevron notched short-rod specimen for fracture toughness test suggested by ISRM in his experiment . The specimen is Kallax gabbro from Sweden with diameter of 71.4mm .

  4. 铝型材短棒加热炉SY-BLSY-BL节能铝棒加热炉是一种铝型材生产厂家及铝型材企业必备的铝材生产装置。

    SY-BL energy saving alum billet heating furnace is an equipment which is necessary for alum profile factory and alum profile company .

  5. 她把两根短棒捆起来,形成一个十字架。

    She tied the two sticks together to form a cross .

  6. 粗短棒件偏心位置的测定方法

    Eccentricity measurement for a thick and short stick-type component

  7. 厌氧短棒菌苗对环磷酰胺免疫抑制作用的影响

    The effect of Corynebacterium parvum on the immunosuppressive action of cyclophosphamide in mice

  8. 短棒、短线、短连衣裙、短途旅行

    A short stick , line , dress , journey

  9. 短棒杆菌疫苗治疗非特异性顽固性口咽溃疡的初步报告

    Preliminary report of CPV treatment on non specific non healing ulceration of oropharynx

  10. 长、短棒料进给机构

    The Long and the Short of Bar feeds

  11. 短棒的作用及其在轴向燃耗管理中的应用

    Function of part-length rods in axial burnup management

  12. 权杖短棒:某官员代表携带的职务象征的短棒。

    A short staff carried by certain public officials as a symbol of office .

  13. 那些小偷用短棒把这位老人打昏。

    The thieves bludgeoned the old man senseless .

  14. 奈里用短棒指了指不准停车和不准站立的牌子,挥手让司机把汽车开走。

    Neri pointed to the NO STANDING sign with his stick and motioned the driver to move his car .

  15. 另外添加剂用量不同时反应速率不同,样品的形貌会从短棒连续变化到线状。

    At the same time , the morphology of samples will continuously change from short rod to linear fibrous .

  16. 本工作采用了3种试样:梁、紧凑拉伸和短棒拉伸试样,来研究岩石断裂测试问题。

    Three specimen configurations , namely , the notched beam , compact specimens and short rod specimens were used in this work .

  17. 此外,短棒排列顺序的改变可在触摸式屏幕上轻松完成,而且常常不需要对机器进行任何机械更改。

    Moreover , changing the segment patterns is easily done on the touch screen , often without requiring any mechanical changes to the machine .

  18. 与常温状态下不同的是,T型短棒在高温时的装配问题只有少数研究人员考虑过。

    Unlike at the ambient state , the behaviour of a T-stub assembly at elevated temperatures has been considered by only a few researchers .

  19. 哈利眼看它要撞碎自己的鼻子,赶紧用短棒拦截,打得它重新左拐右拐地蹿向空中

    Harry swung at it with the bat to stop it from breaking his nose , and sent it zigzagging away into the air ,

  20. 实验证实,纯化的短棒杆菌细胞壁菌苗的活性好于菌体菌苗。

    The experiment showed that the activity of the vaccine from purified cell wall was much better than that of the vaccine from whole cell .

  21. 不要求试样进行预裂的短棒拉伸试验是最有前途的一种,因为它可采用较小的试样得到较可靠的断裂韧度值,且测试方法简单。

    The short rod specimen which does not require pre-cracking of specimen before tests is the most promising one , because it has the potential of providing accurate KIC prediction for rock with minimal testing efforts even for very small cores .

  22. 直裂纹短圆棒拉伸试样的J积分估算公式

    J integral Estimation Formula for a Straight Through Cracked Short Rod Tension Specimen

  23. 人字形切槽短圆棒断裂韧度试样及其BEM标定

    The chevron notched short rod fracture toughness specimen and its BEM calibration

  24. 介绍了一种将会得到广泛应用的断裂韧度试样&人字形切槽短圆棒,以及三维边界元法(BEM)的标定结果。

    In this paper , the chevron notched short rod fracture toughness specimen , which is soon to be widely applied , is introduced , results of BEM calibration for this specimen are given .

  25. 短流程棒线材复合式生产线配置的探讨

    Discussion about configuration of complex short-circuit production line for and wire

  26. 细短钢棒快速加热装置

    Quick Heating Equipment for Small Steel Bars

  27. 直裂纹短圆棒拉伸试样特别适用于芯棒一类原材料的断裂韧度测试。

    Straight through cracked short rod tension specimen is especially suitable for fracture toughness testing of core based materials .

  28. 介绍四种人字形切槽断裂韧度试样,短圆棒、短方棒(以上两种统称短棒)、三点弯曲方棒和三点弯曲圆棒。

    This paper was introduced four kinds of chevron-notched fracture toughness specimens : short rod , short bar , three-point bend bar and three-point bend rod .

  29. 加工短羊毛压力棒装置的研讨

    The Application of Pressure Bar Device in Processing for Short Wool

  30. 结论:骶骨肿瘤的治疗应采取积极的态度。冷冻干燥异体骨加短哈氏棒重建骶骨切除后骨盆环是一种生物学固定,方法简单、经济、可靠。

    Conclusion : Reconstruction of pelvic ring with frozen dry allograft and short Harrington rod is simple , economic and practicable .