
xiū cháng
  • tall and thin;slender;slim
修长 [xiū cháng]
  • [tall and thin;slender] 瘦长

修长[xiū cháng]
  1. 而iHealth的外观设计更酷,这是一款有着修长弧形外观的白色设备,数值以较淡的蓝色字体显示在白色的表面。

    The iHealth device is designed to look much cooler . It 's a slender , curvy white device with a blank white surface on which the reading appears in fainter blue type .

  2. 修长的豇豆,是难忘童年的缩影。

    The slender cowpea is a miniature of the unforgettable childhood .

  3. 她身材修长,优雅大方。

    She was tall and elegant .

  4. “当时的英国小报都说我‘双腿修长’、‘艳惊四座’,”她回忆道。

    ' The British tabloids called me leggy and stunning , ' she recalls .

  5. 他四肢修长、眼睛乌黑发亮,留着一头蓬乱浓密的黑色卷发。

    He was long-limbed and dark-eyed , with a mop of tight , dark curls .

  6. 那个年轻的女子身材苗条修长。

    The young woman was tall and slim

  7. 他四肢修长,眼睛浅黑。

    He was long-limbed and dark-eyed .

  8. 那年夏天,她减去了怀孕期间增加的体重,身材又变得修长而健美。

    That summer she had shed the weight gained during pregnancy , her body was trim and taut .

  9. 她身量修长。

    She is tall and slim .

  10. 本季服饰无疑是以修长飘逸、充满浪漫情调为主。

    This season the accent is definitely on long , flowing romantic clothes .

  11. 一个体形修长优美的女人出现在楼梯顶上。

    The tall graceful form of a woman appeared at the top of the stairs .

  12. 它们外观修长,味道很好,尝起来是咸的。

    They are long , delicious and taste salty .

  13. 伯爵夫人身材修长,苗条优雅,面色十分苍白。

    The countess was tall , svelte and very pale .

  14. 当野草,长着轮子,绽放,修长、动人、盈盈;

    When weeds , in wheels , shoot long and lovely and lush ;

  15. 配饰也会使你产生靡肿或修长的视觉效果。如果你腹部赘肉很多,则避免佩戴宽腰带,那会使你的腹部成为焦点。

    Accessories can also make you look fatter or thinner . Avoid using a large belt if you have tummy , since you are drawing attention in your tummy .

  16. 比较适合的风格包括腰际线比较高的帝国线连衣裙和V领裙,这两种裙子都让你的下半身看上去更修长。

    Flattering styles include Empire dresses and V-neck wrap dresses with a high waist ; both lengthen your bottom half .

  17. 我在百思买(BestBuy)买了一支Targus公司生产的一支较修长的电容笔(售价9美元)。

    I walked out of a Best Buy with a slim model made by Targus ( $ 9 ) to find out .

  18. 身高6英尺4英寸(1.93米),体重91千克,手臂和上身修长的肌肉男和男演员瑞安·雷诺兹(RyanReynolds)有着75%的匹配度。

    And a 6 '4 " ( 193cm ) muscular man with long arms , a long torso , who weighs 91kg is a 75 per cent match with actor Ryan Reynolds .

  19. 我在百思买(BestBuy)买了一支Targus公司生产的一支较修长的电容笔(售价9美元)。这支笔有一个较软的橡胶笔尖,形状和大小都像传统铅笔的笔尖。

    I walked out of a Best Buy with a slim model made by Targus ( $ 9 ) to find out . The implement has a soft rubber nib on one end and most closely resembles the shape and size of a traditional pen .

  20. 他把老魔杖放在修长的手指间慢慢地抽动着。

    Slowly he drew the Elder Wand between his long fingers .

  21. 机头罩前方较为修长容许高速向前飞行。

    Cabin Design Slender front section allows high speed forwards flying .

  22. 它有一个修长的身材,类似一个灰狗。

    It had a slender body , similar to a greyhound .

  23. 小火烈鸟拥有修长的颈部和粉色腿。

    The species has long pink legs and a long neck .

  24. 答案是她们修长指甲上完美的指甲油。

    It was the perfect polish on their long fingernails .

  25. 他身材修长,是个英俊的男子。

    He is a handsome man , tall and slim .

  26. 罗伯萨丽双臂修长,有一双像人类一样的手。

    Robo Sally has two long arms with human-like hands .

  27. 听众里有没有人尝试过修长假呢?

    Anybody in here has actually ever conducted a sabbatical ?

  28. 她那绿色拖地长裙正好和她修长的优美身材相配。

    Her green floor length dress complemented her tall lean good looks .

  29. 齐肩的羽毛剪发型可使你的脸型看起来修长些。

    This shoulder-length feather 's style will make your face look slimmer .

  30. 她身材修长。他很瘦。

    She has a svelte figure . He 's a lean guy .