
  • 【船】repair ship
  1. 制造和修理船的工厂。

    A workplace where ships are built or repaired .

  2. 某型修理工程船多功能机床基座振动探讨

    Study of seat vibration of multi-functional machine of a repair boat

  3. 他派了十个人去修理供应船发动机的齿轮。

    He sent ten men to mend the dent in the engines of the tender .

  4. 为了筹集资金修理太空船,宇宙蜗牛被派到地球搜集珍贵的贝壳,可是它必须克服重重困难以达成使命!

    For repairing the UFO , the universe snail is sent to the earth to connect the precious shells . However , challenges and difficulties are waiting for him .

  5. 修理这只船不需要气焊枪

    You don 't need a welding torch to repair this boat ,

  6. 文章简要介绍了液化天燃气(LNG)船,以及液化天然气的危险性,重点介绍了安全修理液化天然气船的一些要求,以及注意点。

    This essay first introduces the liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) ship and the danger of LNG . The emphasis is put on the attention of safe repair of LNG ship .

  7. 补充修理项目只有等船进坞并进行检查后才能确定。

    Additional repair items can only be decided after the ship is dry-docked and examined .