
  1. 他们来到这有点零丁的查太莱老家里,开始共同的生活,收入是不太充裕的。

    They came to start housekeeping and married life in the rather forlorn home of the Chatterleys on a rather inadequate income .

  2. 还可远远望见老家村子里的教堂的尖顶。

    With the spire of the church of our village showing in the far distance .

  3. 那鱼子酱也是货真价实的东西&小是我们在老家超市里买的那玩意。

    The caviar was the real McCoy too & not the stuff we buy in the supermarket at home .

  4. 老家村子里,生活费其实一点也不低,特别是医疗费。

    At home in the village , the cost of living is not low at all , especially the medical expenses .

  5. 这几周来,他都在岘港以南25英里的老家村里看世界杯电视转播。

    He sat idle for weeks in his home village , 25 miles south of Da Nang , watching the World Cup on television .

  6. 据报纸说,游客抓住所有他们可以从莫言老家园子里拿到的东西,相信“纪念品”会他们和他们的孩子带来好运。

    According to the newspaper , tourists grabbed all they could from the garden of Mo 's old house , believing the " souvenirs " would bring good luck to them and their children .

  7. 桑普拉斯,这位希腊移民后裔,生平初次接触网球是在他位于华盛顿特区老家的地下室里,对着墙壁击球。

    The son of Greek immigrants , Pete Sampras 's first contact with tennis was hitting balls against the basement wall of his family home in Washington , D.C.

  8. 桑普拉斯,这位希腊移民后裔,生平初次接触网球是在他位于华盛顿特区老家的地下室里,对着墙壁击球。七岁时,举家迁徙至阳光普照的加州,他绝伦的网球天赋瞬间展露无遗。

    The son of Greek immigrants , Pete Sampras 's first contact with tennis was hitting balls against the basement wall of his family home in Washington , D.C. After the family moved to sunny California when Sampras was seven , it became apparent that he was a tennis prodigy .

  9. 他们并不急于改善自己的生活居住条件,而是源源不断地把钱寄回农村老家,在老家的村子里盖一个大房子。

    Instead of improving their living standard , they send back money home continuously , and build a big house in hometown .