
  1. 老子五千言可分为两部分,一部分是道论,另一部分是论述如何消除异化,超越现实,寻求和谐,这就是玄同论。

    Lao Zi 's five thousand words include two parts : one part is moral , the other is discussed how to eliminate alienation , surpass reality and find harmony , this is called metaphysics .

  2. 《老子》五千言,使用动词较多,其中单音动词占大多数,复音动词较少。尽管中国文化有着五千年历史的深厚底蕴,然而人类语言的开发仅局限于此是不够的。

    Laozi ' having five thousand words , used many verbs , most of which are monosyllabic , and few of which are multisyllabic . The exploit of human language should not be confined to the Chinese culture , though it has a long history of five thousand years .