
dǎng xiào
  • Party school
党校 [dǎng xiào]
  • [Party school] 中国共产党培养、训练党的干部的学校

党校[dǎng xiào]
  1. 基于PHP的党校图书馆特色数据库系统开发

    Development of Database System with the Characteristics of Party School Library Based on PHP Technology

  2. 实现网络互联互通加强资源共建共享&安徽省党校系统VPN专网建设

    To Realizing the Network Interconnection and Strengthening the Resource of Common Construction Use Together : The Construction of VPN Networks of Anhui Party School System

  3. 本文通过对ERP原理及相关先进管理思想的分析,以中央党校出版社为实例进行研究、规划,制订实施出版社ERP系统的整体方案。

    On the basis of The Central Party School Publishing House case , the essay researches , drafts and designs the whole plan for publishing house ERP system according to the ERP theory , relevant advanced management rules .

  4. 党校图书馆参考咨询服务大有可为

    Chances for Library of Party School to Develop the Reference Service

  5. 关于加快党校后勤改革的思考

    Thinking on quickening the logistics reform of the Communist Party School

  6. 党校教育事业发展的新阶段

    The New Stage Of The Development Of The Party School Education

  7. 新世纪党校图书馆建设的思考

    How to Build the Party School Library in the New Century

  8. 应加快建设地级党校数字图书馆的步伐

    Accelerating the Construction of the Digital Library in Prefectural-Level Party Schools

  9. 党校图书馆与领导干部信息素质教育

    The Party library and information quality-oriented education of the leading cadres

  10. 高校党校二级办学模式的探索与思考

    Exploration and Thinking on the Secondary-Grade College Model of Party Schools

  11. 广东党校的一个研究员说广东和重庆并没有在对立面上。

    A researcher atGuangdong 's party school saysGuangdongandChongqingare not in opposition .

  12. 对改进党校计算机教学的几点思考

    Pondering on Improving the Computer Teaching in the Communist Party School

  13. 抓好高校学生党校工作的几点措施

    Measures About Students ' Party School Work at Colleges and Universities

  14. 努力提高地市党校图书馆服务质量

    Effort raising land the city library service quality of party school

  15. 高师党校在学校党建工作中有着不可替代的特殊重要作用。

    The position of college Party school at the new time ;

  16. 党校学习型教师队伍建设刍议

    Group Construction of Studying Type Teacher of the Party School

  17. 网格技术在党校图书馆2.0中的运用

    Grid 2.0 in the Application of the Party School Library

  18. 反思函授教育试论党校师德建设

    On the Construction of Teacher 's Ethics in Party Schools

  19. 教学质量是党校函授教育的生命线。

    Teaching quality is the lifeblood of the party school correspondence education .

  20. 提高党校政治理论教育效果必须坚持四个结合

    Four Combinations to Improve Results of Political Theory Education in Party Schools

  21. 新形势下党校图书馆信息服务建设探析

    Probe into the Party School Library 's Information Service Construction

  22. 新时期党校图书馆信息服务新模式

    New Information Service Mode in Libraries of Party School in New Period

  23. 党校图书馆的新职能∶网络思想政治教育

    A New Function of the C.P.C School Library : Web Politic-Ideological Education

  24. 新时期党校教育的系统辩证思考

    Systematic and Dialectic Thinking on the New-Periodical Party School Education

  25. 论党校图书馆特色数据库的建设

    On the Construction of Characteristic Database of Party School library

  26. 党校今天开学,我庆祝这个学校的成功。

    The Party School opens today and I wish it every success .

  27. 教学质量是党校的生命线。

    The teaching quality is the vital line to the party school .

  28. 省级党校图书馆在网络环境下的馆藏控制

    On the collection control in the library of a provincial Party institute

  29. 多媒体课件优化与党校主体班课堂教学

    Optimizing Multimedia Courseware and Classroom Teaching of the Party 's Principal Class

  30. 对党校教师教学创新的思考

    Thinking about Teachers ' Teaching Reform in the Party School