
  • 网络Character frequency;word frequency
  1. Zipf定律与汉字字频分布

    Zipf 's Law and the Distribution of Chinese Character Frequency

  2. 基于字频特征的自动机多模匹配增效算法

    An automata multi-pattern match efficiency algorithm based the character frequency characteristic

  3. 该系统采用的是以字为基本单位的一元语法模型Uni-Gram,建立在语料库的基础上,仅用输入前N个字的字频计算输入串的生成概率,可以高速、准确识别。

    The algorithm uses Uni-Gram whose basic cell is Chinese character . The system can recognize quickly and accurately only using the first N Chinese characters .

  4. 基于汉字字频向量的中文文本自动分类系统

    The System for Automatic Text Categorization Based on Chinese Character Vector

  5. 高低字频对汉字记忆中错误联接的影响

    The Effect of Word Frequency on Memory Conjunction Errors of Chinese Characters

  6. 汉字识别的眼动特性-字频效应及信道容量

    Eye movements in recognition of Chinese character-the CHARACTER-FREQUENCY effect and the channel capacity

  7. 汉字字频分布、最佳编码与输入问题

    On the Frequency Distribution , Optimum Coding and Input Scheme for Chinese Characters

  8. 利用字频统计及机器学习的自动文摘方法

    Automatic Chinese Abstracts Based on the Statistics of Chinese Character Frequency and Machine Learning

  9. 四角号码的由来及其字频输入码研究

    On the Origin of the Four Angles Number & Its Word Frequency Import Code

  10. 汉字识别中的笔画数效应新探&兼论字频效应

    A new exploration on the effect of stroke-number in the identification of Chinese characters

  11. 字频视角的古文字四书分布发展研究

    On the Distribution and Development of Four Categories of Character Construction in Ancient Writings

  12. 从字频看西周金文文字系统的特点

    A View of the Character System of West-Zhou Inscriptions on Bronzes from the Character Frequency

  13. 空间频率、笔画数及字频对汉字识别的影响

    Friendly Number Effects of Spatial Frequency , Strokes , and Word Frequency on Chinese Character Recognition

  14. 词频、首字字频和尾字字频对双字词识别作用的发展研究

    The Developmental Study on the Effects of Word Frequency and Initial and Last Character Frequency for Chinese Two-morpheme Words Recognition

  15. 这也是本文的创新之处,将字频研究与对外汉语教学联系起来。

    This is also the innovation of this paper , the word frequency linked to research and teaching Chinese as a foreign language .

  16. 本文采用命名作业法探讨在不同汉字部件亮度条件下的字频效应、笔画数效应及部件在汉字识别中的作用。

    The effects of character frequency , stroke number and radical number on Chinese recognition were studied under different levels of radical brightness .

  17. 本文以汉字的字频向量作为语体类别的表示方法,通过计算类别向量与文本向量的相似度来确定文本的类别。

    The method uses Chinese character frequency vector to represent categories and texts , and computes the comparability between categories and texts to predict the category .

  18. 论文包含前言、字量字频、字形结构、集释、结语、附录六个部分。

    The thesis includes the foreword , the character quantity and frequency , the glyph structure , the explanation section , the conclusion , and the appendix six parts .

  19. 本文对当前基于字典的中文自动分词方法的弊病进行了分析,提出了一种使用字频、串频和词频等统计信息进行中文文本无字典特征提取的算法。

    Observing some disadvantages of current Chinese words segmentation technology based on dictionary , we present an algorithm for Chinese words segmentation based on some statistical information , rather than dictionary .

  20. 第三部分运用复杂网络的工具研究汉语网络的组织结构,发现汉语网络具有小世界特性和无标度的度分布特征,汉字的字频按从大到小排列的分布满足幂分布。

    Thirdly , I will study organization of Chinese languages by the tools from complex network , and find that Chinese Character network is small-world and scale-free , and the distribution of character frequency is Power-law .

  21. 本文对四大名著进行的研究,侧重的是其所使用的汉字的研究,也就是四大名著字频的研究,其中不考虑四部名著的汉字隐含的文化意义。

    Four masterpieces of research , focusing on its use of Chinese characters , is the frequency of the words , which does not consider the cultural significance implied by the four masterpieces ' Chinese characters .

  22. 当汉字为包围结构时没有出现字频效应(3)汉字结构对低频字的识别有影响,对高频字的识别没有影响;

    Be the Chinese characters for surrounding construction have no emergence frequency effect ( 3 ) Chinese characters construction to identifying of low frequency word contain identifying of influence , right and high frequency to has no an influence ;

  23. 字量字频一章全面统计商代金文的总字量、单字量以及字频,同时根据相关数据作了归纳总结,以求掌握其用字情况。

    In order to grasp the using state of Shang Dynasty bronze inscription , the chapter of character quantity and frequency fully counts the total quantity , the quantity of all different characters , and the frequency of each different character .

  24. 本文主要探讨了如何在多内码并存的多文种环境中实现汉字内码自动识别的问题,并提供了多种汉字内码识别算法,包括基于内码分布、标点符号特征、字频特征和语义特征的识别算法等。

    This paper mainly discusses the Han Character Internal Codes recognition algorithms in the Multi-lingual Environment , and provides four recognition algorithms , such as Internal Code Bound Recognition Algorithm , Interpunction Recognition Algorithm , Han Character Frequency Recognition Algorithm and Semantic Recognition Algorithm .