
  1. “福”字指福气、福运,寄托了人们对幸福生活的向往,对美好未来的祝愿。

    The character expresses people 's best wishes of happier life and brighter future .

  2. 这个字指的是人站稳脚跟的能力,伸展的双臂则代表了人的自负。

    This stylised representation shows man 's ability to stand on his feet , extending his arms egotistically .

  3. 这个字指的不是事物本身的脆弱或消逝,而是指它的消逝在人心中激起的情感。

    The word refers not to the fragility or loss of the thing itself , but to the human feelings evoked by its passing .

  4. “京”字指的是首都,它看起来像舞动的人体,手臂张开,欢迎来自世界各地的不同人民。

    " Beijing " word refers to the capital , it looks like the dancing , the human body , welcome with open arms of different people from all over the world .

  5. 当前我们用“文明”二字指代人类社会的历史时,我们事实上是在有意无意地进行文化洽谈。

    When we choose to apply the word " civilization " to a human society of the past , we are often playing a role , wittingly or no , in a process of cultural negotiation .

  6. 对不起,那括号里的几个字是指什么?

    Excuse me , what do these words in brackets refer to ?

  7. 虚拟二字是指虚拟仪器给出的界面是虚拟的。

    " Virtual " refers to the state of the surface of instrument .

  8. 三笔字(指毛笔字、钢笔字和粉笔字)是师范生教学基本技能的主要内容。

    " The Three Kinds of Handwritings "( handwritings of brush pen , fountain pen and chalk ) are the basic skills of the normal school students .

  9. 汉语方言字是指在特定方言区内通行、专门用以记录某一方言口语的文字形式,具有与普通汉字不完全相同的性质。

    Characters of Chinese dialect are a kind of character form that is not as same as the common Chinese characters in quality that are used to record a special dialect in a special dialectal area .

  10. 《古汉语常用字字典》指瑕

    Some Errors in The Common Use Dictionary of Archaic Chinese

  11. 本文考查了“他”字的虚指用法,并根据“他”语义的语法化程度将其区分为虚指和虚用两种类型。

    According to the grammaticalized degree oft (?) s semantic , we distinguish between empty reference and empty usage .

  12. 口语字,是指汉语中由一个音节表达一个概念的结构单位,也就是口说的字。

    The spoken language character , is refers to in Chinese a syllable to express a concept the structural unit , also is the oral account character .

  13. 所以在《论语》中我们可以看出,孔子用仁字不仅仅是指某一种特殊的德性,而且是指一切美好德性的总和。

    Therefore , in " The Analects of Confucius " can be seen , sometimes Confucius with benevolence word not only refers to a special virtue , but also refers to the sum of all virtue .

  14. 用黑体字表示的词指什么。

    What do the words in bold refer to ?

  15. 这个字还可用於指事物由强转弱。

    It is used similarly of things .

  16. 在一些国家里,冠上公字的学校是指私立学校或没有政府资助的学校。

    In some countries tile word " public " school means private , or schools not supported by the state .

  17. 在语言学中,文化词既可以指一个字,也可指成语,是在一个句子中作为一个整体存在的语法单位。

    In linguistics , cultural words refer to a character or four-character idioms which can be seen as a grammatical whole in a sentence .

  18. “高压线”这三个字在字面上指的是高输压电线,触碰或者接近这种高压线都有被电击的危险。

    The term " gao ya xian " in Chinese means literally a high-voltage line which is connected with the danger of electric shock by contact or proximity .

  19. 刑事司法权是司法权的一个字概念,是指国家司法机关,包括侦查机关、检察机关和审判机关在整个刑事诉讼过程中的一项权力,包括侦查权、公诉权、审判权等。

    The criminal judicial power is one of the judicial powers ; it is the power which is used in the whole process of the criminal litigation , which included detective organizations , judicial organizations and the procurator organizations .