
  • 网络character recognition;ocr
  1. 而如果文件是打印的,你可以对文件进行光学字符识别。

    And if the documents is typed , you can just apply OCR to the document .

  2. 传统的字符识别系统的适应能力之所以比较差,就在于人的先验知识在选择特征的过程中影响太大。

    The main factor , which affects the adaptability of OCR systems , is that human do too much work in the feature extraction and selection .

  3. BP神经网络在字符识别中的设计改进

    Design of Improved BP Neural Network on Digital Identification

  4. 基于BP网络学习算法的英文字符识别

    English Character Recognition Based on BP Network Learning Algorithm

  5. 一种基于MATLAB的带噪声字符识别算法实现

    A Method for Identifying Noised Words Based on MATLAB

  6. 介绍了采用BP神经网络来进行轮胎胎号字符识别的一种尝试性方法。

    A method of tire number code identification by using BP neutral network is introduced .

  7. 基于特征提取和BP神经网络相结合的车牌字符识别技术

    A New Technology for License Plate Character Recognition by Character Distill and BP Neural Networks

  8. 经大量实验证明,该方法能有效提高BP网络学习速度以及字符识别准确率。

    Experiment results demonstrate that the method can effectively improve the speed of BP network training and character recognition accuracy .

  9. 研究了模板匹配、神经网络和SVM等几种常见的车牌字符识别算法,在此基础上提出了一种融合模板匹配和SVM的字符识别方法。

    Several character recognition methods such as template matching , neural network and SVM are studied .

  10. 一种基于PCA的多模板字符识别

    Multi - template character recognition based on PCA

  11. ICA和改进的SVM在有限集字符识别中的应用

    Application of Independent Component Analysis and Improved Support Vector Machines on Finite Set Character Recognition

  12. Gabor变换的参数设计及其在车牌字符识别中的应用

    Gabor parameter design its use in character recognition of vehicle registration number

  13. 基于Hough变换的神经网络表格字符识别技术的研究

    Research of Table Characters Recognition Based on Hough Transform and Neural Network

  14. 基于Matlab仿真的联合变换相关器实验实时联合傅立叶变换相关识别在车牌字符识别中的应用

    Study on the simulation of JTC using Matlab The Identification of the Vehicle Licensing Alphabet with the Real-time Joint Fourier Transformation Correlation Recognition

  15. 基于改进Hopfield神经网络的手写字符识别

    Handwritten character recognition based on improved Hopfield neural network

  16. 基于小波包和Zernike矩特征提取的车牌字符识别

    Vehicle license plate characters recognition using wavelet packet and zernike moments

  17. 基于Zernike矩与网格特征的车牌字符识别方法

    License Plate Character Recognition Based on Zernike Moment and Grid Features

  18. 介绍了基于ICA(独立分量分析法)的牌照识别系统的字符识别。

    This paper describes the character recognition module based on independent component analysis ( ICA ) .

  19. 基于Hausdorff距离的车牌字符识别方法研究

    Recognition of License Plate Character Based on Hausdorff Distance

  20. 字符识别系统。采用三层BP网络模型,在程序实现过程中反复试验,对车牌中的数字字符有较高的识别率。

    This system used three BP network model , in the procedure realizes in the process the repeated test , had the high recognition rate to the car license alphanumeric character .

  21. 数字识别是光学字符识别技术里发展比较早的一种技术,是OCR的一个分支。

    Digits recognition is studied earlier than others in char recognition , it is a branch of OCR .

  22. 图像的预处理及帧间配准是基于移动扫描光学字符识别(OCR)的电子阅读笔的核心技术。

    Image Preprocessing and Frame-to-frame Registration is the core technique of electronic reading pen based on shift-scanning OCR .

  23. 采用基于改进Hausdorff距离的滑动模板匹配进行数字字符识别。

    This paper researches on a digit character recognition method that is gliding template matching based on improved Hausdorff distance .

  24. 本文着重对基于BP神经网络的字符识别方法进行了研究,并分析了其学习训练流程,并采用此方法实现了车牌字符的识别。

    This article focuses on the character recognition method based on BP neural network , and analyze its learning and training process , and using this method to achieve license plate character recognition .

  25. 为了提高车牌上的字符识别准确率,提出一种结合支撑矢量机(SVM)和小波的字符识别方法。

    To improve the recognition accuracy of the characters on car license plate , a novel method based on support vector machine ( SVM ) and wavelet decomposition was proposed .

  26. 对算法简便、识别率高的BP网络和自适应谐振ART构成的自组织网络两种字符识别进行了综合实验与总结,结合程序论述了两种字符神经网络识别的原理并给出实验比较结果。

    In this paper , two approaches are presented to recognize vehicle characters based on BP neural network and adaptive neural network constructed by ART , With codes examples , it describes two recognition principles and presents experimental results .

  27. 提出了基于Zernike矩和小波变换特征相结合的车牌字符识别方法。

    This paper presents a method of license plate character recognition based on the combination of Zernike moment and wavelet transformation features .

  28. 通过自适应性强的BP神经网络对车牌进行字符识别以达到字符识别正确率和实时性要求,神经网络参数是通过实验反复测试和调整取得的理想值。

    Through self-adaptable to BP neural network license plate character recognition character recognition to achieve the correct rate and real-time requirements , neural network parameters are repeatedly tested by experiment and adjust to obtain the ideal value .

  29. 目前,脱机手写汉字识别还处于发展阶段,现有的OCR(opticalcharacterrecognition,光学字符识别)技术对其进行处理的可靠性和准确性都难以满足实际需求。

    At present , the recognition of off-line handwritten Chinese character is still in development stage , and the reliability and accuracy of the existing OCR ( optical character recognition ) technology are difficult to meet the actual demand .

  30. 当前的OCR(opticalcharacterrecognition,光学字符识别)技术虽然对中英文字符和数字符号都能获得较好的识别效果,但还无法准确识别科技文献中的数学表达式。

    The current OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) system shows high accuracy in recognizing both English and Chinese characters and symbols in printed documents , but still unable to identify exactly the scientific literature in the mathematical expressions .