
  • 网络usage of Chinese character
  1. 今天Slash这个字用在年轻人的短信里却有非常不同的意思。

    Slash is used in a very different way in texting among young people today .

  2. 就是把字用刀刻在龟甲兽骨上。

    Is to use that word Daoke animal bones in the shells .

  3. 数字表示数的符号或字用数字来表示字母数据的方法。

    A symbol or word used to represent a number .

  4. 这三个字用在这?非常贴切。

    You used the three words perfectly .

  5. 一个正确的字用在一个不适当的文化或宗教背景里,也将成为一个错字。

    A correct word used in a wrong cultural or religious context is a wrong word .

  6. “惭愧”这两个字用在这里是什么意思?

    What did this word'Humility'mean ?

  7. 我们试图从字形和字用两个方面对方言俗字进行考察、分类。

    We try to investigate and classify in two aspects , that is in words form andin words application .

  8. 因此,尽管英语和汉语是两种不同的语言,但英汉喻体在语义类型和遣字用词方面却有着惊人的相同或相似。

    English and Chinese vehicles , though belonging to different language systems , share the same or similar semantic categories and diction .

  9. 汉语音译外来词,需从所处的社会文化与心理角度去进行分析,取字用词需考虑到中国人的语言文化传统。

    When using Chinese transliterating foreign words , we should analyze from the society cultures and the view of psychology , considering the Chinese culture tradition .

  10. “熊猫守护使”五个字用古老的篆文书写,这是中国一种非常古老的文字。

    The content " Giant Panda Guardians " is wrote by very old Chinese characters-seal script , whose history is almost as long as Chinese civilizations .

  11. 这个字用外面冰天雪地、人在屋内草垫上取暖,来表示寒冷的意思。

    This character carried the meaning of coldness by depicting a scene where a person kept warm by sitting on hays in a room while it was icy cold outside .

  12. 美国人把「朋友」这个字用得非常广泛,一般的泛泛之交和亲密伙伴都算是朋友。美国人的朋友包含有学校的朋友、工作的朋友、运动的朋友或是街坊邻居。

    Americans use the word friend in a very general way . They may call both casual acquaintances and close companions " friends . " Americans have school friends , work friends , sports friends and neighborhood friends .

  13. “建议”这两个字是用得有分寸的。

    The word " recommend " was used advisedly .

  14. 我从来没看见这个字这样用过。

    I have never seen the word used that way before .

  15. 艾瑞丝删掉了所有拼错的字和用错的介词。

    Iris crossed out all the misspelled words and wrongly used prepositions .

  16. 这些字底下用圆珠笔重重地划了线。

    The words were heavily underscored by a ballpoint pen .

  17. 如果查出笔记本里的字是用那钢笔写的。

    If my lab matches this pen to that notepad .

  18. 这字不要用得太随便。

    Don 't use the word too loosely .

  19. 应用于:节能灯、光灯电子镇流器、字万用表等。钱不是万能的,但没有钱是万万不能的。

    Applied in : energy-saving lamps , fluorescent electronic ballasts , and digital multi-meters .

  20. 珍妮删去了“中年”二字并用红笔写了“多余的”三字,将试卷返回学生。

    Jeanne deleted " middle-aged ," noted in red " redundant ," and returned the paper .

  21. 黑体字的用粗体,黑体印刷的黑体字常用来表示向量。

    Printed in thick , heavy type . Bold type , is often used for vectors .

  22. 但安德森并不认为那是墨水,他觉得纸上的字是用血写成的。

    But Anderson did not think it was ink . He thought the papers were written in blood .

  23. 这字不要用得太随便。你讲课时不应该太随便。

    Don 't use the word too loosely . You should not take liberties when you are giving a lecture .

  24. 书写你的生命华�假如有人给了你一支笔,一支密封的、纯色的水笔,里面有多少墨水你无法看到,很可能刚刚试着写几个字就用干;

    Suppose someone gave you a pen - a sealed , solid-colored pen . You couldn 't see how much ink it had .

  25. 在广州,一名记者就见到学校里挂着这样的标语:写规范字,用文明语,做文明人。

    In Guangzhou , a reporter spotted school banners bearing the slogan : Write standard Chinese . Use civilised language . Be a civilised person .

  26. 然后看看他们在誊本,看看如果你能猜测它们的含义看,看看如何字是用在句子。

    Then look for them in the transcript and see if you can guess their meaning by looking to see how the word is used in the sentence .

  27. 我看见坐宝座的右手中有书卷,里外都写着字,用七印封严了。

    And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside , sealed with seven seals .

  28. 交织字母一种被用作辨识标记的由一个或多个字母组成的一种图案,常由姓名的字首组成照相标题字:用照相方法经菲林母片影排标题字的方法。

    A design composed of one or more letters , typically the initials of a name , used as an identifying mark . Photolettering : Method of setting display sized type photographically from film master .

  29. 一位比我小的女性建议我说,“老”这个字可能用得不对,应该换成我太“明智”或者太“聪明”了,这个不适合我。但是“老”是我想要的,是我争取到的。

    A younger woman advised me that " old " may be the wrong word , that I should consider I 'm too wise for this , or too smart . But old is the word I want . I 've earned it .

  30. 那句话加个‘鬼’字有什么用呢?

    Where is the use of the devil in that sentence ?