
  • 网络character generator;ROM
  1. 本文探讨了在SeikoEpson公司生产的EG系列液晶显示器上实现汉字显示的方法,并设计了实现这种显示方式的电路及字符发生器。

    This paper discusses the Chinese display method in the EG-series LCDs which are produced by the SEIKO EPSON Co. . The circuit and word generator used to realize the display method were designed .

  2. 2240位MOSROM用作字符发生器。

    2240 bits MOS ROM is used as character generator .

  3. 基于FPGA的随机字符发生器在ERP中的应用

    The Application of FPGA-based Random Symbol Generator in ERP

  4. 提出了一种采用SOC单芯片设计字符发生器的方法;

    With SOC , a new design of symbol generator is put forward in this paper .

  5. 电视跟踪显示屏上的台站号码、时间码字符发生器

    Time and Device Code Display on TV Screen in TV Tracking System

  6. 本文提出了一种新的电视扫描字符发生器的设计方法。

    This paper proposes a new method for designing TV scanning character generators .

  7. 一种电视扫描字符发生器的设计方法

    A Method for Designing TV Scanning Character Generators

  8. 一种带有可编程字符发生器的点阵打印机,允许打印非罗马字符。

    A matrix printer with a programmable character generator ( to permit non - Roman alphabets ) .

  9. 介绍了应用于航空电子系统中的一种笔划字符发生器设计方案;论述了该模块的功能要求以及硬件实现方法。

    This paper introduces a design scheme of an important module called stroke symbol generator ( SSG ) used in the aeronautical electronics system .

  10. 可编程字符图形发生器的设计

    Design of the Generator for Programmable Characters and Graphics