首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 最优秀的教育工作者,恰恰将“教育”二字说得不多。

    The most excellent educator does not say the word of'education'very regularly .

  2. 少校说,这几个字说得铿锵有劲。

    Said the major , half aloud .

  3. 关于诗歌评点,方氏提出了词语修辞的基本要求,论述了响字说、虚字说。

    Fanghui discusses words of Sonorant , functional words , and puts forward basic demands about rhetoric of words in poetry .

  4. 用最少的字说你所必须说的,否则你的读者必定会略过;

    Say all you have to say in the fewest possible words , or your reader will be sure to skip them ;

  5. 这个24个字说出来很简单但要我们能做到是很难的事,所以我们要每一天比每一天更努力。

    The24 characters say it is very simple but what we can do is very difficult thing , so we need every day to more than one day each .

  6. 而你应该知道,太多的事情无法在140个字说清,人的第一反应也经常不大靠谱,可是之后的求证和思索都被这种呼啦啦的传播方式忽略掉了。

    But you should know , too many things can not be in140 words , people 's first reaction is often not reliable , but after the confirmation and thinking are the hula dissemination way ignored .

  7. 摩尔答道:“头20年,我一直无法把‘摩尔定律’这几个字说出口。太尴尬了。它不是什么定律。最后我终于习以为常了,现在我可以面不改色心不跳地提到它。”

    Answered Moore : " For the first 20 years , I couldn 't utter the terms Moore 's Law . It was embarrassing . It wasn 't a law . Finally , I got accustomed to it where now I could say it with a straight face . "