
  • 网络colour letter sounds
  1. 关于满文辅音字母读音的探讨(上)

    Discussion of the Pronunciation of Consonant Letters in Manchu ( 1st );

  2. 耶和华,上帝现代学者为上帝假定的名称,作为代表上帝之名的四个希伯来字母读音的译文。

    A name for God assumed by modern scholars to be a rendering of the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton .

  3. CT与HSK&兼论汉语拼音字母的读音问题

    CT and HSK : Concurrently on the Pronunciation of Letters in the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet

  4. 名义字符编码方案既考虑了蒙古文字母的读音也考虑了其字形。

    Nominal character coded system not only considered pronunciation of Mongolian letter , but also its font .

  5. 孩子们有连接字母与读音的问题或有阅读理解的困难的,可能显示其学习障碍的信号。

    Children who have problems connecting letters with sounds or understanding what they read may be showing signs of learning disabilities .

  6. 注意用于缩写字前面的冠词,其词形和读音取决于该缩写字的第一个字母的读音,而不取决于其书写形式。

    Note that the sound of the first letter of an abbreviation , not its spelling , determines the form and pronunciation of the article before it .

  7. 字母j的读音用字母j所表示的读音根据读音规则,这个词中的元音字母应该怎样发音?

    Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter j. According to the rules of reading , how should the vowel in this word be pronounced ?

  8. 字母词的读音问题,在学术界至今都有不同的观点。

    Different people have different view on the pronunciation of letter words .

  9. 再谈字母词的读音问题

    The Issue of Pronunciation of Lettered Words in Chinese Revisited

  10. 关于部分字母词语的读音问题

    Problems About the Pronunciation of Lettered & words

  11. 外来词用字(或字母)的读音规范

    And the D. Phonetic Rules of Borrowed Words ( or Letters ) Find the Letters

  12. 把字母和字母组合与读音联系在一起。

    Systematic phonics first teaches children to associate letters and letter combinations with sounds ;

  13. 随着时代的发展,字母入词现象越来越多,促使字母读音出现争议。

    With the development of times , letters form phrases more frequently , which arises disputes about the pronunciation of the letters .

  14. 当孩子们学习写任何一个字母时,我们应该鼓励他们记住与该字母的读音。

    As they learn to write a letter , students should be encouraged to memorize the sound associated with that letter .

  15. 哪一个有五个字母的英语单词,将它的四个字母去掉后读音不变?

    What five letter English word does not change its pronunciation when four letters are taken away ?

  16. 本文也指出了有关字母词的诸多问题,如滥用字母词、同形词、异体词,特别是字母词的读音问题,已成为其在汉语中健康发展的瓶颈。

    Many problems related to lettered-words are explored in the thesis , such as the homographs , heterographs and abuse of lettered-words , especially the pronunciation of lettered-words which has been the choke point for the healthy development of lettered-words in Chinese .