
  • 网络Nice Treaty;the treaty of nice
  1. 为东扩铺平道路&尼斯条约述评

    Paving the Way to the Enlargement & Reflections on the Nice Treaty

  2. 在克罗地亚加入前,无论如何都需要一部新的协议,因为克国的票数与议会席位不在2000年尼斯条约之列。

    In any case , a new treaty is required before Croatia joins , since its votes and parliamentary seats were not fixed under the2000 nice treaty .

  3. 席哈克本来可以透过国会投票通过欧盟宪法条文的,例如,欧盟整合过程里的阿姆斯特丹条约与尼斯条约就是透过国会投票通过的。

    He could have gone through the French parliament to pass the EU constitution , as was done with the Amsterdam and nice treaties .