
láo dònɡ ɡuǎn lǐ
  • labor management
  1. 根据LM的滚动调查,其他需求驱动包括了改善实时控制,库存调配,标签印刷以及劳动管理等方面。

    Other drivers , according to the LM survey , include the need for improved real-time control , inventory deployment , label printing , and labor management .

  2. 采用新型劳动管理办法提高企业生产效率

    Improving Productive Efficiency of Enterprises through New Labor Management Methods

  3. 文章介绍了VAX机上开发研制的辅助劳动管理系统。

    This paper introduced the personnel management system that developed on the VAX 3300 system .

  4. 浅谈我国外资企业的劳动管理

    Brief View on the Labour Management of Foreign Companies in China

  5. 劳动管理与资源分配的相互作用,以确定最佳的分配。

    Labor management may interact with resource allocation to determine optimal assignments .

  6. 天津市海运公司辅助劳动管理系统

    Personnel management system for Tianjin marine shipping company assisted examination

  7. 采油厂劳动管理机制创新的管理学分析

    Management analysis on the labor management mechanism innovation of the extract oil field

  8. 建立新型的劳动管理体制刍议

    Some Rough Ideas about a New Labour Administrative System

  9. 建立量化劳动管理实现管养分开模式

    Establishment of Quantified Labor Administration ; Realization of Separate Administration and Maintenance Mode

  10. 微观劳动管理中的思想政治工作

    Ideological and Political work in Microcosmic Labor Management

  11. “创新的劳动管理实务”。《交通运输合作研究专案报告》,1995年。

    Harsh , W.Jr. " Innovative Labor-Management Practices . " TCRP Report , 1995 .

  12. 加强以岗位管理为核心的内部劳动管理。

    5 , intensifying interior labor management .

  13. 网络经济条件下企业劳动管理创新的基本问题

    The essential problems of the innovation of enterprises ' laboring management under the web economy

  14. 外来劳动力聚集地区的户籍与劳动管理体制改革问题

    On the Domiciliary Policy and Labor Management System in the Area with the Aggregation of floating Labors

  15. (十)有关劳动管理、工资、福利、劳动保险等事项的规定;

    ( 10 ) Provisions concerning labour management , wages , welfare benefits , labour insurance and related matters ;

  16. 随之而来,新的教育形势对这些新升格院校教师劳动管理也提出了新的要求。

    Therefore , new education situation puts forward the new demand for the labor management of teachers in these colleges .

  17. 网络经济的发展,给企业劳动管理实践和理论都提出了一系列重大问题。

    Development of the network economy raise a series of important issues of enterprise labour management on practice and theory .

  18. 再次,健全看守所劳动管理制度,包括防止强迫劳动,合理发放劳动报酬等。

    Thirdly , systems of administration in jails should be promoted , including the prevention of slave labor and granting reasonable payments .

  19. 农垦职工分别经历的三次双层经营体制逐步稳定、完善,改革向深层次发展阶段。另一方面,劳动管理体制与政策对劳动力转移的影响。

    The development of state-owned farm has experienced three reform phrases , meanwhile , the labor management system and policy has improved .

  20. 作者对网络经济条件下企业劳动管理的上述基本问题做了一些探讨。

    Author want to make some inquiry into the basic problems of enterprise labour management mentioned under the condition of the network economy .

  21. 突出劳动管理支持经济建设华中网局大楼半导体消雷器效果显著

    Jinan Municipal Labour Administration Bureau The Significant Effect of Semiconductor Lightning Eliminator on the Main Building of Central China Electric Power Administration Bureau

  22. 文章分析了地勘单位劳动管理现状,论述了实行劳动合同制管理的必然性和紧迫性,以及现今地勘单位在规范劳动合同管理方面存在的差距。

    Moreover , the paper analyses the necessity of labour contract management , and the problem about standardization of labour contract in geological exploration organization .

  23. 接包方可以通过和职工签订保密协议和竞业禁止协议将商业秘密保护融入劳动管理之中。

    The outsourcing contractors may integrate the protection of business secrets with the labor management , in virtue of making secret information agreement and non-competition agreement .

  24. 本合同内容之任何修改,需要征得双方同意,并以书面形式做出,且需报上海市劳动管理部门备案。

    Any modification of this Contract should be agreed by both parties in written form , and be submitted to the Shanghai labor administration department for filing .

  25. 企业制定内部适用的规章制度是法律赋予的一项重要权利,是组织生产经营、进行有效劳动管理的重要手段。

    Law endows enterprises with an important right to establish their own rules and regulations , which is a significant method to organize business production and to manage business effectively .

  26. 文章对低效油气井定员编制进行了初步探讨,比较了两种轮班作业制度,并提出了加强低效油气生产劳动管理的建议。

    Personal arrangement in low-efficiency oil and gas fields development is discussed . Meanwhile , tow kinds of shifts system are compared and advices for improving labor management are put forward .

  27. 多次荣获(区)县“重合同,守信用单位”“劳动管理信得过单位”“质量信得过单位”等荣誉称号。

    And Qianjin has received many Honorary Titles such as " Contract Abiding and Trustworthy Business Unit " and " Labor Management Model Unit " and " Quality Trustworthy Unit " etc.

  28. 然而从劳动管理以及看守体制两个方面分析,相关法律制度存在缺陷应当是此次事件发生的首要原因。

    However , by analyzing the system of guard and the labor management , it can be known that the most important reason is that the related legal systems have some flaws .

  29. 目前,在我国企业内部劳动管理方式比较混乱,一些企业钻法律不完善的空子,制定的规章制度严重地损害了职工的合法权益。

    Currently in China , enterprises ' internal management is a little bit confusing ; some companies take advantage of the drilling imperfect laws to have made regulations seriously damaged the legitimate rights and interests of workers .

  30. 本文从管理学的角度,对植物园的管理进行了探讨,涉及到植物园的目标管理、计划管理、技术管理、劳动管理、环境管理、信息管理。

    In this paper , the management of the botanic garden was discussed . The issues of objectives management , plan management , technique management , labor management , environment management and information management were dealt with .