
  • 网络artificial wood;Artificial timber
  1. 废竹木材则可以用于制造人造木材;

    Waste bamboo timber could be used to make artificial wood ;

  2. 纤维素废料与造纸黑液木质素制人造木材之探讨

    An exploration on manufacturing artificial wood from wastes of cellulose and black-liquor lignin

  3. 通过对葵花秆木质部分的分析,确定了葵花杆木质部分胶合制造人造木材的可能性。

    On analysis of lignified tissue in sunflower stems , the possibility of using it to make artificial wood is proved .

  4. 低温陶瓷木材是以植物剩余物和工业废磷渣为主要原料,采用化学键合陶瓷为粘结剂,在接近常温的条件下制备而成的具有陶瓷和木材双重性能的新型人造木材。

    Ceramics timber of low temperature is a kind of material which uses plant remainder and the phosphorus dreg of industry abolishes as main raw materials , uses chemically bounded ceramic as its binder .

  5. 人造板作为提高木材利用率和改善木材性能的重要途径,在木材工业领域占有举足轻重的地位。

    Plywood occupies a pivotal position in the wood industry , which as an important way to increase the timber utilization and improve the performance of wood .

  6. 人造板和炭化木的人造肌理同天然木材的自然肌理有很大差别。

    There is large difference between the artificial texture of artificial plates and carbonization wood and the natural texture of natural wood .