
  • 网络Polyurethane Sealant;pu sealant
  1. 单组分湿固化聚氨酯密封胶性能优良、使用方便,得到了广泛应用,但是储存时容易出现凝胶的问题。

    One-component , moisture-curing PU sealant was widely utilized for its convenience and excellent properties , but it was easy to be gelation when storage .

  2. 在此基础上,考察了底涂剂对胶接件粘接性能的影响,研究结果表明:异氰酸酯基硅氧烷底涂剂能有效的提高基材和聚氨酯密封胶之间的粘接性能。

    The results show that the isocyanate-based siloxane primer could significantly enhance bonding properties of PU sealant adhered on glass or concrete substrate .

  3. 纳米SiO2改性及纳米SiO2聚氨酯密封胶的制备

    Modification of nano-SiO_2 and preparation of nano-SiO_2 / polyurethane sealant

  4. PV聚氨酯密封胶在高寒地区水泥混凝土路面的应用

    Discussion on the Application and Construction Technology of PV Polyurethane Seal Glue in Joint Maintenance of Concrete Pavement in Highly Cold Area

  5. PTMG型聚氨酯密封胶筒的研制

    Development of PTMG-type Polyurethane Airproof Canister

  6. 详细地介绍了PV聚氨酯密封胶在高寒地区水泥混凝土路面接缝养护上的应用情况,阐述了PV聚氨酯密封胶的施工工艺和施工方法,对接缝料的配比试验和施工工艺提出了相应的技术要求。

    The application of PV polyurethane seal glue in joint maintenance of concrete pavement in highly cold area was carefully introduced . Construction technologies and methods of PV polyurethane seal glue were illustrated . The corresponding technical requirements for gradation test and construction technologies were provided in the paper .

  7. 聚氨酯密封胶在客车涂装线上的应用

    Application of polyurethane sealant in finishing line of passenger cars

  8. 建筑用单组分湿固化聚氨酯密封胶的发展概况

    Development of One Component Moist-cured Polyurethane Sealant Used for Construction

  9. 烷氧基硅烷改性单组分聚氨酯密封胶的研究

    Study of Siloxane Modified One Component Moisture Curable Polyurethane Sealant

  10. 无溶剂型聚氨酯密封胶的研制及性能研究

    Preparation of Non - solvent Polyurethane Adhesive and Study on Its Properties

  11. 单组分聚氨酯密封胶合成与性能研究

    Study on Synthesis and Performance of One Component Polyurethane Sealant

  12. 简要介绍了中空玻璃用聚氨酯密封胶的特性及工艺要求。

    The characteristic and production technique of the polyurethane sealant were introduced .

  13. 磷化合物对氢氧化镁阻燃聚氨酯密封胶性能的影响

    Effect of phosphide on polyurethane sealant performance with magnesium hydroxide as flame retardant

  14. 单组分聚氨酯密封胶内部气泡的抑制

    Check on Bubbles in One Component Polyurethane Sealant

  15. 单组分聚氨酯密封胶

    E-component polyurethane sealant single string retrievable packer

  16. 双组分透明聚氨酯密封胶的研究

    Study on two component transparent polyurethane sealant

  17. 聚氨酯密封胶国外研究进展

    Research development of polyurethane sealants abroad

  18. 蓖麻油型聚氨酯密封胶

    Castor Oil - based Polyurethane Sealants

  19. 聚氨酯密封胶的研制

    Development of the Polyurethane Sealant

  20. 本文介绍了一种新型的聚氨酯密封胶,该密封胶具有较强的耐水性能。

    A new type polyurethane adhesive was introduced in this paper , and it had good hydrolysis-resistant property .

  21. 详细论述了单组分聚氨酯密封胶的实验室制备、及此胶在使用过程中,内部气泡的产生原理;

    The paper explains laboratorial preparation of one com-ponemt polyurethane sealant , and the principle of producing inside bubbles in its use .

  22. 论述了硅烷偶联剂的偶联机理及其作为封端剂、粘接促进剂和干燥剂在聚氨酯密封胶中的应用。

    The coupling mechanism of silane coupler and its use as endcapper , adhesion promoter and dehydrating agent in polyurethane sealant are discussed .

  23. 用甲苯二异氰酸酯、聚酯和聚醚通过二步法制备了湿固化单组份聚氨酯密封胶。

    A new moisture cure monocomponent polyurethane sealant was prepared by the reaction of hydroxy-termintited polyethers and polyesters with diisocyanate ( TDI ) .

  24. 建筑用聚氨酯密封胶结果表明上述5项技术指标可基本满足密封注剂的使用要求。

    The usage of each parameter was discussed and the result shows that the five parameters satisfy all the use requirements of the injecting sealants .

  25. 研制过程中引入了一些新工艺,采用聚氨酯密封胶实现了试件在高水压下的密封,引入阻尼器削减水压振幅以获得平稳的高水压源,采用油封技术解决小流量测量中的蒸发问题。

    Polyurethane sealant is used to seal the rock sample with high pore pressures , a damper is used to smooth the high pore pressures , and oil-seal technology is used to eliminate evaporation when measuring the tiny flow rates .

  26. 松香聚氨酯弹性密封胶的生产性试验研究

    Research on Synthesis and production of rosin polyurethane elastic sealant

  27. 低透水聚氨酯灌注密封胶

    The Lower Water Vapor Permeation Constant of Polyurethane Potting Adhesive

  28. 单组分湿固化聚氨酯建筑密封胶的生产工艺

    Industrial production of one-component moisture curable PU construction sealant

  29. SJK1500是一种单组份聚氨酯胶粘接密封胶,触变型。

    SJK1500 is a one-part , thixotropic , polyurethane based adhesive and sealant .

  30. 单组分聚氨酯玻璃粘合密封胶在汽车生产中的应用

    Application of one component polyurethane glass glue in automobile