
  1. 以小分子金属配合物单体进行均聚或者将小分子金属配合物接枝到高聚物上也可以形成高分子金属配合物。

    The self polymerization of the monomeric metal complexes or by grafting the low molecular weight metal complexes to the polymers also can synthesize polymer-metal complexes .

  2. 通过静态凝态聚,将增量方程变换为仅与接触边界节点自由度有关的方程以提高其迭代效率。

    In order to improve the iterative efficiency the contact increment equations regarding only with the contact nodes are derived from the system increment equations through a technique of static condensation .

  3. 本文以八氟环丁烷为单体,采用等离子体聚合法将亲水性硝酸纤维素微孔膜改性,制得疏水硝酸纤维素微孔复合膜。

    In this paper , the hydrophobic cellulose nitrate microporous composite membranes have been obtained by modification of hydrophilic cellulose nitrate microporous membranes by the use of plasma polymerization of octafluorocyclobutane .

  4. 使用群聚分析,将这些蛋白质分为两个表达下调的和4个表达上调的时序调节图。

    These proteins were grouped into two expression profiles of down-regulation and four of up regulation using cluster analysis .

  5. 含巯基的纳米球形聚电解质刷将是选择性吸附回收废水中重金属离子的理想材料。

    Therefore , the nano-sized spherical polyelectrolyte thiol brushes are ideal candidates for selective remove heavy metal ions from wastewater .

  6. 采用相转移催化法以四丁基氯化铵为催化剂合成了端基含磺胺嘧啶的聚乳酸,将肿瘤导向基团引入了可生物降解药物载体。

    Sulfadiazine-polylactide , a tumor targeting drug carrier , was successfully synthesized by the phase transfer catalysis ( PTC ) with tetrabutyl ammonium chloride hydroxide as catalyst .

  7. 应用淀粉酶、木聚糖酶和蛋白酶将焙炒后的大麦进行液化;

    Amylase , xylanase , proteinase were used to liquefy baked barley .

  8. 这一基因可以生产出一种在木质素多聚体生成时将自身插入两个木质素分子中的蛋白。

    This gene produces a protein that inserts itself between two lignin molecules when the lignin polymer is created .

  9. 高聚合度、高纯度、高收率的聚磷酸铵合成将是使其应用得到进一步拓展的关键。

    The key to further extend the application of APP is a method with high degree of polymerization , high purity and high yield .

  10. 根据此模型,应力时效过程中存在一个临界时间,在此时间,应力引起的晶界偏聚或贫化程度将达到一个极大值。

    According to this model , there is a critical time during stress aging , at which a maximum level of grain boundary segregation / dilution is occurred .

  11. 耐热型木聚糖酶是可将木聚糖降解成低聚木糖和木糖的水解酶,它在饲料、造纸、食品、能源工业和环境科学上有着广阔的应用前景。

    Thermo-stable xylanase can hydrolyze xylans into xylo-oligosaccharides and xylose , and has great prospect for applications in feed industry , paper and pulp industry , food industry and environment science .

  12. 研究者已经在卵巢癌小鼠模型上成功地验证了这种多聚体,他们将进一步改进该多聚体使它能够进入任何体细胞。

    The researchers have successfully tested a version of the polymer in mice with ovarian cancer , and they believe they can further modify the polymer to target virtually any cell in the body .

  13. 木聚糖酶是可将木聚糖降解成为低聚木糖和木糖的复合酶系,在饲料、造纸、食品和酿酒等行业中的应用日益广泛。

    The xylanase is a complex system of enzymes which degrading xylan into xylo-oligosaccharide and xylose . The application of xylanase is more and more extensive in the fields of feed , paper and pulp , food , and brew industries .

  14. 该法中,可以先将尿素、甲醛合成为预聚体,然后将预聚体加入分散系统中两步法;也可以将尿素和甲醛直接加入分散系统中一步法。

    In this method , urea and formaldehyde might be prepared into prepolymer firstly , then the prepolymer was added into scattering system ( two-step method ), and they could also be added directly into scattering system ( one-step method ) .

  15. 截至2007年底,大庆油田聚合物驱油区块已达30多个,其中有14个区块已完成注聚过程,今后将有更多区块应用聚合物驱油技术并陆续面临聚驱后挖潜问题。

    By the end of 2007 , there are already more than 30 polymer flooding areas in Daqing oilfield , 14 of which have completed polymer injection . In the future , there will more and more areas adopting polymer flood and then facing the problem of potential tapping .

  16. 申英秀说,然而饮食的变化和缺乏运动结合在一起,使得亚洲人糖尿病的发病率高于西方。申英秀与近200位出席峰会的卫生和发展专家聚在一起,将对非传染性疾病以及应对策略进行为期一周的探讨。

    But changes in diets combined with lack of exercise has made Asians more prone to diabetes than their counterparts in the West , said Dr. Shin , one of nearly 200 health and development experts attending a week-long gathering here aimed at discussing non-communicable diseases and finding way to combat them .

  17. 通过碱金属离子与聚氧化乙烯(PEO)的络合配位制备了不同比例的PEO聚电解质,将PEO聚电解质与尼龙6熔融共混挤出,制备抗静电尼龙6复合材料;

    Nylon 6 / Polyethylene oxide ( PEO ) polyelectrolyte composites with different molar ratio of alkali metal ion and PEO polymer unit were prepared by means of complexation reaction .