
jī yīn xínɡ biàn yì
  • genotypic variation
  1. 在所有调查性状的相对值中,相对植株干重(低氮胁迫/正常供氮)基因型变异较大(CV为22.76%)。

    Relative dry weight ( low N supply / normal N supply ) also showed a significant genotypic variation ( CV was 22.73 % ) .

  2. 结果表明,小麦植株干重在低氮胁迫和正常供氮条件下都有较大的基因型变异(变异系数CV分别为29.03%和18.21%);

    Results showed that total dry weight showed a significant genotypic variation at both normal and low N supply ( the CV was 18.21 % and 29.03 % , respectively ) .

  3. 聚合酶链反应-反向杂交快速检测巨细胞病毒糖蛋白gB、gH基因型变异

    Fast detection of human cytomegalovirus and differentiation of glycoprotein B and H genotypes by PCR - assisted reverse hybridization

  4. 大麦β-葡聚糖含量的环境和基因型变异及其遗传改良

    Environmental and genotypic variations of β - glucan content and Their genetic Modification

  5. 小麦钾素利用效率的基因型变异和相关分析

    Variation among wheat genotypes in K utilization and its relationship with some agronomic and K nutrition characters

  6. 圆叶牵牛花青素代谢途径的基因型变异与花色变异的进化生物学研究

    Evolutionary Study on the Genetic Variants of Genes on Anthocyanin Pathway and Flower Color Variation in Ipomoea Purpurea

  7. 相对性状的基因型变异为:相对地上部干重>相对分蘖数>相对单株吸氮量>相对籽粒产量>相对氮素利用率>相对苗高。

    The relative traits analysis suggested that the relative shoot dry weight , the relative tiller number and the relative nitrogen uptake per plant had the bigger genotype variations .

  8. 环境对直链淀粉含量和膨胀势均有较大影响,其中直链淀粉含量的环境变异与基因型变异比较接近,膨胀势的基因型变异大于环境变异,在总变异中起主要作用。

    Both amylose content and swelling power were obviously affected by environment factors . The environmental variation of amylose content was close to the genetic variation , while the genetic variation , playing a main role in total variation of swelling power , was larger than the environmental variation .

  9. 结论FgBβ-148、448基因型发生变异后可通过影响Fg浓度而使此人群发生脑动脉主干支梗塞组的危险性升高。

    Conclusion FgB β - 148 and 448 mutational genotypes have impact on Fg concentration , and therefore increase the risk of MCI .

  10. 宜兴地区丙型肝炎病毒基因型及变异情况分析

    Analysis on hepatitis C virus genotype and quasispecies in Yixing area

  11. 该基因型的变异可能与血脂异常相关,可能会影响β细胞的功能及胰岛素的释放。

    The gene mutation might be related to dyslipidemia ,β - cell function , and insulin release .

  12. HBsAg、抗HBs共存与HBV基因型及基因变异的关系

    Relation of HBV genotype / S gene mutation to concurrent HBsAb and HBsAg

  13. 目的应用逆向斑点杂交技术检测乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)基因型及YMDD变异。

    Objective HBV genotypes and YMDD mutations were detected by reverse dot blot .

  14. 结论在同一张尼龙膜上检测HBV基因型及YMDD变异,经济实惠、准确快捷,且易于开展。

    Conclusion Detection of HBV genotypes and YMDD mutations together were economical , exact , rapid and easy .

  15. 研究表明,HCV持续存在及IFN治疗是否有效可能与HCV表达的一些蛋白质抑制IFN抗病毒活性、HCV的基因型、HCV变异以及宿主因素等有关。

    Recent studies have shown that the persistence of HCV and the effectiveness of interferon treatment may be related to host 's factors , HCV genotypes , HCV variance and some HCV proteins which could inhibit the antiviral activity of interferon .

  16. 江苏省泰州地区乙肝病毒基因型与基因变异的研究

    Study on hepatitis B virus genotype and gene mutation in Taizhou area

  17. 大麦品质性状的基因型和环境变异及其机理研究

    Genotypic and Environmental Variation of Grain Quality and Their Relative Mechanism in Barley

  18. 在225kg/hm2施氮水平下,早、中、晚稻平均千粒重分别为23.24g、23.44g和23.05g,基因型间的变异系数分别为4.31%、13.04%和10.55%。

    Under nitrogen level of 225 kg / ha , the average 1 000-grain weight were 23.24 g , 23.44 g and 23.05 g , respectively , and the coefficient of variation among genotypes were 4.31 % , 13.04 % and 10.55 % , respectively .

  19. 乙型肝炎病毒的核心启动子各区段功能的研究慢性乙型肝炎病毒基因型与BCP区变异的临床研究

    Roles of Various Regions of the HBV Core Promoter in the Transcription of Precore and Pregenomic RNA Clinical study on the relationships between HBV genotype and HBV core promoter mutants

  20. 由于该虫宿主包括几乎所有脊椎动物,虫种的基因型和表现型变异较大,因而其宿主特异性及人畜共患传播问题尚未完全解决。

    Since its hosts include almost all vertebrate species , and the genotype and phenotype variate greatly , problems of the host specificity and zoonotic transmission have not been solved thoroughly .

  21. 北京株与F基因型代表株之间氨基酸最大差异为6个氨基酸,证明F基因型属于变异程度高的基因型。

    The largest differences between Beijing genotype strains and F lines are 6 of amino acids , which prove that F belongs to high degree of variability genotype .

  22. 套式PCR扩增其包膜基因,用异源双链泳动分析法(HMA)分析基因亚型的变异。

    The pro-DNA env gene of these HIV were amplified by nested PCR , then their subtype were analyzed by HMA .

  23. 说明近年来北京地区流行的优势株为F基因型,没有发现其他基因型的野病毒流行,也没发现基因型间的变异。

    The strain prevalent in Beijing In recent years is the F genotype . No other genotypes have not been found , there is no obvious variation in genotypes in the wild virus epidemic .