
  1. 将DV电影的本质特征概括为个人化写作,并进而阐述了个人化写作的内涵、DV电影个人化写作的技术、经济基础及其美学原则。

    This paper summarizes the nature of DV movie as individualized writing , and further elaborates the meaning of individualized writing , the technical and economic basis and aesthetic principles of DV individualized writing .

  2. 但美学的真正本体论地位的确立是在马克思主义以“人的感性的实践活动”为基础的美学体系之内。

    In my opinion , Marxist aesthetics basing on the human 's perceptional practice give ontological independence to the modern aesthetics .

  3. 实践美学是以马克思主义的实践唯物主义作为自己的哲学基础的美学流派,在19世纪中期由马克思和恩格斯奠定了基础和运思路向。

    The practice aesthetics is based on Marxism practical materialism , founded by Marx and Engels in the middle of 1800 's.

  4. 作为以马克思主义唯物实践观为基础的美学体系,实践美学内涵着阐发生态问题、拓展生态维度的思想机理。

    As the aesthetics system based on the practical materialism of Marxism , practical aesthetics contains the logical thinking of eco-problem research and the ecological dimension development .

  5. 在当代艺术中,以传统手工技艺为基础的美学追求不再能主导创作,这意味着真实性重新成为艺术的价值追求。

    In contemporary art , the aesthetical pursuit based on traditional handwork cannot dominate the creation , which means that truth becomes the pursuit of art again .

  6. 其诗歌“三美”的倡导,是传统诗歌理论基础在美学方向上的发展,是现代诗歌审美理念的建立;

    His advocacy of " three kinds beauty " is the development of traditional poetics in aesthetics and can be regarded as the establishment of the aesthetical conceptions of modern poetry .

  7. 翻译与美学联姻是中国翻译理论的重要特色之一,正如学者们所公认的,中国传统译论的理论基础就是美学。

    The combination of translation and aesthetics is one of the significant characteristics of the translation theories in China . Some scholars think that aesthetics is the theoretical basis of the traditional translation theories in China .

  8. 中国象征主义引进西方象征主义美学观并将其根植于中国传统的艺术精神,形成了以天人合一为基础的美学特征。

    Aesthetic values of the Western symbolic theory were integrated with the spirits of the Chinese traditional art after they were introduced to China , which began to form the Chinese characterized symbolic theory : the integration of nature and man .

  9. 本文提出了以TBS建模为基础,遵循美学原则来实现面向用户需求的产品变型设计新思想。

    In the paper , the new ideology that the TBS modeling change the configuration and aesthetics principle direction the shape change was put forward .

  10. 其次,个性化阅读教学的理论基础为接受美学。

    Then , the theory base of individualization read instruction is aesthetics of reception .

  11. 生活美学是理论美学的现实基础,理论美学则为生活美学提供理论支持。

    Life aesthetics is the basis of theoretic aesthetics , while theoretic aesthetics is the theoretic providers of life aesthetics .

  12. 伴随着全球性生态危机,不可避免地将对以主体性哲学为基础的实践美学观提出质疑。

    To be based on subjective philosophy the practice aesthetic is oppugned inevitably , when globality entironment have been jeopardizing .

  13. 以马克思主义的实践唯物主义为哲学基础的实践美学以人类的生存与发展、以人类的自然实现为根本目标,能够把审美人类学和人生论美学统一起来,真正阐明悲剧的内在根源和美学特征。

    Practical aesthetics based on Marxist materialism managed to combine aesthetic anthropology and life theory aesthetics and clarify the root and aesthetics of tragedy .

  14. 教学模式的审美化发展,以艺术美、科学美三原则为理论基础,呼唤美学所带来的生命关怀。其实质就是学生学习生命的审美体验,并以获得学习自由为其进行审美设计的意涵。

    The aesthetic beauty and science beauty appeal for life solicitude brought by aesthetics , whose essence is the aesthetic experiencing of students ′ study .

  15. 因为,哲学基础是生态美学的核心,生态美学毕竟是一种美学,是要上升到哲学的层面上研究和分析与生态相关的问题。

    For the philosophical foundation is the core of ecological aesthetics which is one kind of aesthetics , being bound to rise to the philosophical level to research and analysis ecological problems .

  16. 本文涉及到文艺基础理论、美学原理、新闻写作、心理学原理、文体学、历史学、文学比较等多学科方面的理论知识。

    This paper relates to multi-disciplinary aspects of the theory of knowledge , including the basic theory of art , aesthetic theory , journalism , psychology , stylistics , history and comparative literature .

  17. 分块设计的指导思想是在满足功能结构的基础上运用美学知识和人机工程知识处理局部设计与整体造型风格的关系。

    To meet the products ' functional and structural requirements , partition design is directed by aesthetics and ergonomics that are the principals dealing with the relation between part design and overall styling .

  18. 实证研究要求审美人类学的研究要以口头表述的资料为基础,传统美学研究中看重的文献资料在范丹姆的眼中只能是第二手资料。

    Empirical research ask aesthetic anthropology research for verbal expression , on the basis of the data of traditional aesthetic value in the study of literature in the eyes of Van Damme is only secondhand information .

  19. 这一部分首先通过生平、讲学、后人对其思想的研究与评价阐明周敦颐在理学思想发展史中的宗师地位,总论以周敦颐理学思想为基础研究其美学思想的思路。

    Firstly , it introduces the important position of Zhou Dun-yi in the history of neo-Confucianism through all his life and estimation of descendants about his thoughts in order to indicate the train of thought of the dissertation .

  20. 以现象学和解释学为基础,接受美学提出了期待视野、未定性和空白、具体化和视野融合等概念。

    Based on Phenomenology and Hermeneutics , the leading theorists of Reception Aesthetics put forward such concepts as " Horizon of Expectation ", " Places of Indeterminacy and Blanks ", " Concretization " and " Fusion of Horizons " .

  21. 这种批评论的主要美学基础,是康德美学与实证主义美学。

    This criticism , aesthetically , is based upon Kantian Aesthetics and positivist aesthetics .

  22. 建筑评论的理论基础涉及建筑学、美学、历史、城市规划等各个领域。

    The theoretical foundation for architectural criticism involves architecture aesthetics , history , city planning , etc.

  23. 本文将尝试着以启蒙的反思作为切入点,对其建立在否定辩证法基础之上的现代美学理论作一梳理。

    The author tries to organize his modern aesthetic theory on the base of negative dialectics , beginning with thinking of enlightenment .

  24. 研究认为,乡村景观吸引力的产生基础缘于景观内在美学特质,吸引力产生过程基于旅游者旅游动机。

    First , rural landscape attraction originates from inner aesthetic specialty of the landscape , while its producing process depends on tourist motivation .

  25. 以往建立在认识论基础上的文艺美学存在诸多局限,新的现实需要新的理论,因此应建立新的以人类本体论为哲学基础的文艺美学。

    The new reality needs the new theory , so we should build the new aesthetics of literature & art based on humanity ontology .

  26. 本文认为禅宗美学是建立在禅宗思想基础之上的智慧美学。

    This paper holds a view that Dhyana sect aesthetics is a kind of intelligence aesthetics that basing on the ideology of Dhyana sect .

  27. 体育美学的研究,应在理性的指导下,以传承、运用美学理论为基础,使体育美学成为体育教育中健康、有序发展的新学科。

    Sports aesthetics , which can be traced back to 1920 's as a branch of philosophy , has become an independent research subject worldwide .

  28. 这种批评论的主要美学基础,是康德美学与实证主义美学。这也是康德美学先验人类学立场的集中体现。

    This criticism , aesthetically , is based upon Kantian aesthetics and positivist aesthetics . It 's also a centralized reflection of the anthropological stand of apriorism .

  29. 在对农业景观审美分析的基础之上,结合美学中已经形成的美学原理和规律的构成体系建立了农业景观审美的美学意义构成体系。

    Combined with landscape principle and laws in the aesthetics , it sets up the composing system of the aesthetic meaning of the aesthetic judgment on agricultural landscape .

  30. 奠定在现代哲学阐释学基础之上的接受美学促使文学批评改变了传统的文本观。

    On the theoretical backgrounds of modern philosophical Hermeneutics , the Reception Aesthetics has made a shift in the traditional view of the literary text in literary criticism .