
  • 网络Aeethetics of Criticiam
  1. 它与语言学是一种寄生关系,与修辞学、文学批评、美学、符号学等学科也有着密切的关系,并从它们那儿不断地获取丰富的理论资源和新的研究方法。

    Popular stylistics has close relationship with linguistic science , rhetoric , art comment , aesthetics , symbolic science and so on .

  2. 重视文艺表现人类的普遍经验,要求人物形象的复杂性、丰富性和完整性,是巴人文艺批评的美学追求。

    Moreover , attaching importance to depicting human being 's common experience , and the complexity , richness and integrity of characters , are aesthetic pursuit of Ba Ran 's literary criticism .

  3. 本文以余光中讲求散文美学创造为切入点,从散文文本解读入手,采用文化学批评、文艺美学、接受美学、心理学等方法,从比较研究,影响研究的角度深入探讨。

    This thesis carries out a deep discussion from the perspective of comparative and influence study , hitting the remark from Yu 's aesthetic prose writing , by reading and interpreting prose texts , adopting the scientific methods of cultural criticism , artistic aesthetics , received aesthetics and psychology .

  4. 在一定时期的文学创作与批评实践中,美学观念受制于政治观念的强烈影响,尤其在对人的理解方面的狭隘化,使其典型人物表现得类型化。

    In the literary creation and criticism practice , the aesthetic concept is influenced by politics .

  5. “气韵生动”是我国古代绘画批评领域的最高美学标准,它为传统绘画思想观念的变迁提供了丰腴的理论胚胎。

    " Spirit-resonance life-movement " is the highest aesthetic criteria in the field of the criticism of the ancient Chinese painting .

  6. 宋诗话作为这一时期的新兴的文学批评样式,其美学思想集中的反映了这一美学范畴。

    Song poetic criticism was the new mode of literary criticism in this time , whose aesthetic thoughts typified this aesthetic category .

  7. 本文着重考察了瓦尔特·本雅明其人,他的美学中所表达的政治使命感,以及他以批评为手段的美学拯救之路。

    The article is emphasized on the investigation of Benjamin , The political mission showed in his aesthetics idea , and the criticism rules .

  8. 在新的历史条件下,文艺批评重新调整定位美学与历史这两个尺度,应当也是马克思所期待的。

    In new historical circumstances readjusting and reorienting the two measures of aesthetics and history in literary and artistic criticisms should also be expected by Marx .

  9. 米兰·昆德拉著名作品的媒介批评具有独特的美学品格,包括已经译成中文的10部小说、3部随笔和1部戏剧。

    The famous works of Milan Kundera display special aesthetic characters on its media criticism , including 10 fictions , 3 essays and 1 play , which have been translated into Chinese .

  10. 而王国维等着意在小说理论与批评本身自觉做出美学理解的小说家或学者,尤其为小说现代性的完整命名做出了贡献。

    In contrast , scholars or novelists like Wang Guo-wei , who were mainly concerned about the aesthetic interpretation of the novel in their theories of novel creation and critical theories , helped to give new appellations to modem novels .

  11. 文气说是古文论中一个较重要的批评范畴,其美学价值在于倡导文学中旺盛的生命力、强调艺术与生命的联系。

    The value of the " literary exposition " which is an important aesthetic category in ancient Chinese art theory lies mainly in the emphasis of relation of art and life , and also lies in the indefatigable spirit which links them .

  12. 20世纪80年代以来,中国古典诗歌理论批评研究经历了美学研究、体系研究、批评史的建构与文化研究的阶段。

    Since the eighties of the 20th century , the research of the classical Chinese poetic theory and criticism have gone through four stages : the aesthetic research , the research of system , the research of the history of the criticism and the cultural research .

  13. 再次,运用叙事学、原型批评学、接受美学的相关理论,对韩国现代归乡小说的叙事视角、叙事时序、叙事空间、隐含作者与隐含读者进行了研究。

    Good writers present its meaning mind through personalized feel . Third , by using the theory of narrative , prototype criticism and reception aesthetics to do research on narrative point of view , narrative sequence , narrative space , the implied author and implied reader of homecoming fiction .

  14. 所以,本章将重点考察作为1980年代文学批评主体的老中青三代批评家在知识结构、批评胸怀、美学视野及批评话语等方面的一些局限。

    Therefore , this chapter will focus on three generations including Lao-Zhong-Qing critics as the subject of literary criticism and their limitations on structure of knowledge , criticism of mind , vision of aesthetics and discourse of criticism .

  15. 当代美国生态文学批评理论目前正处于理论建设的开放性阶段,本文试探讨以儒教和道教为代表的中国传统生态哲学对该批评理论伦理与美学方面的建构意义。

    Still at a stage of theoretical construction , the current American ecological literary criticism theory shares identical characteristics with and can be supplemented ethically and aesthetically by the Chinese philosophies : Confucianism and Taoism .