
  1. 当用于镭的测量,可以快速测定铀矿石加工样品中~(226)Ra的含量,批量样品(液体、每批6个)测定周期约6h。

    The determination cycle for batch processing ( 6 samples and in liquid ) is about 6 hours .

  2. 该方法与传统的B法相比操作简便、快速、准确,适合大批量样品的测定。

    Compared with the traditional method of B , it has no systematic error , and it is simple , sensitive and accurate , which can be used to determine samples in large scale .

  3. 目的调整4-胺基安替吡啉法(下称国标法)的操作步骤以适应批量样品挥发酚的测定。

    Objective To fit determination of batch samples of water .

  4. 但微库仑法分析速度较快,操作简便,更适合大批量样品分析。

    So it is more suitable to analyze a large sum of samples .

  5. 该方法用时间少,准确度高,再现性好,适合批量样品的测试。

    The method is suitable for batch samples with high accuracy , repeatability and less pre-treatment time .

  6. 该系统适用于大批量样品的常现分析,也可以与现有的分析仪器配合使用。

    The system is suitable to routine analysis of bulk samples and is compatible with various analytical instruments .

  7. 该方法操作简便、快速、实用,适宜大批量样品的分析测试。

    The method is convenient , quick and practical in operation . It is fit to batch determination .

  8. 是理想的测定尿汞的方法,尤其适用于大批量样品的检验。

    This method is an ideal choice to determine the mercury in the urine , which isespeciallyapplied to datchexamination .

  9. 与实际工作曲线接近,可以克服分析过程中的系统误差,适用于大批量样品的分析。

    This technique is capable of eliminating systematic errors and is especially suitable for the analysis of samples in large numbers .

  10. 但固相萃取法方便、快捷,更适合大批量样品的农药残留检测。

    But the SPE method use more little solvent and time , which is fit for many samples ' pesticide residue detection .

  11. 将其应用于自来水和石灰石中钙镁的测定,结果可达到化学分析准确度的要求。对批量样品的分析具有省时省力的特点,是很有应用前景的方法。

    The method is accurate and simple . It has been applied to determine calcium and magnesium in tap water and limestone .

  12. 改进的方法省时、易操作,更科学规范,适于批量样品的检测。

    The improvement method time-saving , easy to operate , a more scientific standard , is suitable for the batch sample the examination .

  13. 共振光散射技术简化了光散射分析的仪器设备,操作简单易行,有利于对大批量样品的测定。

    Resonance light scattering technique simplified the equipments of the light scattering analyses , is easy to operation and suitable to the assay of large quantity samples .

  14. 应用因子分析与典型相关分析方法对卷烟生产企业批量样品实际检测的18个检测指标进行了数据挖掘与信息抽提。

    Factor analysis and canonical correlation analysis ( CCA ) based on 18 test indices of 595 batches cigarettes manufactured in some Tobacco corporations are carried out .

  15. 结论为该法适合批量样品蛋白质含量的快速测定,尤其适合学生课堂教学试验。

    The new method is fast and it is applicable for the determination of protein content , is particular for the students experiment in the class protein measuring .

  16. 结论与银盐法、氢化物发生-原子吸收法比较,具有操作简便、快速、适合批量样品分析等优点。

    Con clu sion compared with the silver salt method and hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry , this method had many advantages such as simplicity of operation , rapidity and suitability for the analysis of batch samples .

  17. 与10%SDS-PAGE检测方法相比,不仅敏感、快速、简单,可以检测田间批量样品,用于病害流行研究和测报,而且可以用于介体叶蝉传毒能力的分析。

    Compared with 10 % SDS-PAGE detection , dot-blotted hybridization was fast , simple and sensitive , and could be applied for the study on epidemiology and prediction of diseases caused by RDV and also for the study on the transmitting ability of leafhopper .

  18. 蜂王浆样品需要进行蛋白变性处理;对于基质干扰严重的螯虾产品及其它富含油脂性的动物源产品则需要进行固相萃取净化;对于蜂蜜样品,一般的液相萃取就可以满足大批量样品处理。

    Royal jelly samples should be treated by protein denaturalization ; crawfish products and other fatty food of animal original , which have effect on matrices , should be extracted in SPE ; common liquid extraction can meet the requirement of a great of honey samples .

  19. 该方法具有操作简便、准确快捷的特点,可以用于大批量样品的快速分析,为菌种高通量筛选与发酵工艺的研究提供了可靠的快速分析方法。

    The method is simple , fast and accurate with low cost and is suitable for the quick analysis for large amount of samples . The method was reliable and had been used both in the high throughput screening of high productive strain and fermentation process optimization .

  20. 适用于批量环境样品的测定。

    The method is suitable for determination of batch environmental sample .

  21. 方法具有批量分析样品铼-锇同位素的应用前景。

    The method has a good application prospects in the conventional ReOs isotope analysis .

  22. 结论。该法适合批量卷烟样品中薄荷醇的定量分析。

    The conclusion was that this method was suitable to quantitative analysis the menthol of batch cigarette samples .

  23. 采用反吹技术改进了气相色谱检测大批量蔬菜样品中有机磷农药残留的方法。

    The back-flush technique was used in the determination of organophosphorus pesticide residues in vegetables by gas chromatography .

  24. 实验证明,大批量蔬菜样品检测时具有操作简便、分离效果好、精密度高、结果准确等特点,缩短了检测时间,从而大大提高检测工作效率。

    The experiment proves that the method is simple and convenient . It features good separation , high precision , shortened detection time and improved efficiency .

  25. 结论:所建立的分析检测方法,具有快速、简便和准确的特点,尤其适于大批量生物样品的同时测定。

    Conclusion : The established analysis method is rapid , simple and accurate , especially adapted to the simultaneous determination of resveratrol and polydatin in massive biological samples .

  26. 用自己改制的微量样品研磨器解决了大豆鲜组织的大批量小样品的无损耗快速研磨问题。

    The problem of grinding large numbers of small samples of fresh soybean tissues rapidly and without loss was solved by using a grinder modified with a spiral ratchet screw driver .

  27. 该方法具有简便、快速、低消耗、低成本、不破坏样品及重现性好等优点,且其预测值与硫酸钡比浊法测定值较为接近,适用于大批量烟叶样品硫含量的快速分析。

    This method had many advantages , such as simple , rapid , low consumption , low cost , undestructive to sample and good repetition . The predictive values of sulfur in tobacco by this method were comparable with those by ( BaSO_4 ) turbidimetry .

  28. 结果表明,本法能简便、准确地测定大批量生物体液样品中抗生素含量,精密度(CV)优于10%。

    The method showed it was possible to test large number of biological fluid samples by simple way with an accuracy bet-ter than 10 % .

  29. 目的建立对大批量血斑样品PCR-STR基因分型检测的自动化新方法。

    Objective To establish automatic PCR-STR genotyping method for batches of bloodstain samples .

  30. 现小批量生产的样品已分别寄往英国、法国等欧美国家的质量检测机构。

    Samples are small batch have been sent to Britain , France and other European countries , quality inspection agency .