
  • 网络Wholesale transactions;wholesale dealing
  1. 基于多Agent和CSCW技术,提出了在网络环境下构建一个网上蔬菜批发交易系统,为分布在不同地点的客户和管理者提供协同的虚拟交易环境。

    This paper puts forward to construct a vegetable wholesale trade system under the on-line by the technology of multi-agent and CSCW . This system can provide a collaborative virtual trading environment for customers and managers in different sites .

  2. 自1992年以来,商业批发交易的对外开放经历了4个阶段。

    Since 1992 , the commercial wholesale trade opening has experienced four stages .

  3. 这些说明了储户和纳税人向批发交易提供的补贴的规模。

    They indicate the scale of the subsidy that depositors and taxpayers provide to wholesale trading .

  4. 日本青果物批发交易市场的五大机能和青果市场现状。

    In addition , five functions of this wholesale trade market and its present situation are also demonstrated .

  5. 本文提出并实现了一个经济实用的基于计算机网络平台的果品批发交易市场信息管理系统。叙述了系统方案的设计及硬件、软件的具体实施,并介绍了业务处理的几个关键问题。

    The paper introduces one economical network MIS of fruit wholesale market and its software and hardware application .

  6. 青果物批发交易市场的法制建设、市场结构和交易原则;

    The legal system , market structure and trade principles for these fresh plant products are analyzed in detail .

  7. 就商品流通企业而言,财务管理的线索又根据经营业务的性质分为批发交易业财务管理和零售业财务管理。

    As far as the commodity circulation enterprise concerned the finance management clew are divided to wholesale trade finance management and retail trade finance management .

  8. 记者近日获悉,作为目前我省最大的农产品批发交易市场,周谷堆农产品批发市场今年上半年再创佳绩。

    As the largest agricultural wholesale market in Anhui Province , Zhougudui saw great achievement this first half year , as our reporter has learned recently .

  9. 各地商贾来到市场,批发交易、营办公、务信息、活服务等各种需求一应俱全。

    Here , we will meet your various needs : from retailing market to wholesale exchange , from office operation and business information service to living service .

  10. 至于银行同业之间,则有资金拆借等财务性质为主的批发交易,以及外汇交易。

    Then there are the wholesale transactions of a largely financial nature , for example borrowing and lending , or foreign exchange transactions , conducted among the banks themselves .

  11. 在市场经济发达的美、日、英等国家,农产品和工业品的批发交易方式有着较明显的区别。

    There is distinct differences in wholesale way between industrial products and agricultural products in those market economics developed country such as America , Japan and Britain and so on .

  12. 该系统由多个子系统组成,其功能涵盖了从基本信息管理到批发交易各流程管理乃至经营分析管理与决策支持的企业运作的全过程。

    The system consists of several subsystems whose functions range from basic information management to the wholesale trade in all business process management as well as operating analysis and decision support .

  13. 据官方媒体报道,在另一个华东城市南京,有关部门也已禁止活禽批发交易,尽管官员们称,他们尚未发现任何禽流感病毒踪迹,零售市场上的肉鸡是安全的。

    Authorities also banned all poultry trading in Nanjing , another eastern city , although officials said they had not found any trace of the bird flu virus and chicken on the retail market was safe to eat , official media reported .

  14. 农副产品批发电子交易结算系统(STA)在系统结构上采用整体设计、多子系统实现的灵活方式。

    Agricultural and sideline products wholesale electronic trading settlement system ( STA ) utilizes the overall design in the system structure , and multi-subsystem operations in a flexible manner .

  15. 黑龙江大豆批发市场交易大厦抽柱改造设计

    Demolishing column design of Heilongjiang soybean wholesale exchanging building

  16. 实施拍卖交易是我国水产品批发市场交易方式创新的必然选择。

    A necessary choice for the trading mode of aquatic products in the wholesale markets is to implement the auction trade in China .

  17. 市场外流通,则指农产品不经批发市场交易而径直转移到零售机构、消费团体或出售给个体消费者的过程。

    The out-of-market circulation is a process in which agricultural products are directly turned to retailers , group or individual consumers instead of wholesale markets .

  18. 核心问题是将批发市场对手交易风险从市场转嫁给纳税人。

    The transfer of wholesale market counterparty risk from the market to the taxpayer is the central issue .

  19. 但随着农产品流通方式的现代化,超级市场及连锁店、现代生鲜加工配送中心、电子消费类网站等均会分流农产品批发市场的交易量。

    Yet , with the modernization of the circulation mould , supermarkets , shopping malls , chain-stores , modern distribution centers and e-commerce will take off some turnover from APWM .

  20. 国内外水产品市场的拍卖概况分析,了解目前国内外批发市场运用拍卖交易方式的情况。

    Analyze the trading mode of the domestic and international aquatic products markets to understand their situation of using auction at present .

  21. 我国从以郑州粮食批发市场的现货交易为基础建立的郑州商品交易所为起点,就开始了我国建设健康和完善的期货市场的不平凡的历程。

    Since the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange was established , our country has started an extraordinary journey to develop a health and perfect futures market .

  22. 欧洲大陆的全能银行一直存在,但直到最近它们才效仿英美模式,积极投身于批发市场和证券交易。

    Continental Europe always had universal banks , but only recently did they become aggressive in wholesale markets and securities trading in imitation of Anglo-American models .

  23. 传统专业市场是一种以现货批发为主,集中交易某一类商品或者若干类具有较强互补性或替代性商品的场所,是一种大规模集中交易的坐商式的市场制度安排。

    Traditional specialized market is a place for trading one or more certain types of highly complementary or alternative goods , and a market system arrangement for large-scale centralized transactions .

  24. 1990年10月12日,中国郑州粮食批发市场以现货交易为基础引入期货交易机制,成为我国第一个商品期货市场。

    On Oct 12th , 1990 , China Zhengzhou Grain Wholesale Market introduced the mechanism of futures trading with base of merchandise on hand and became the first commodity futures market of China .

  25. 农产品批发市场是指专门为农产品批发交易提供交易的场所和条件,并为商品流通提供服务的组织机构。

    Farm products wholesale market is an organization which can offer exchange site and exchange condition .

  26. 针对我国特点提出电力批发市场和零售市场的一些模式及其定价方法,提出在3种交易方式下批发市场交易电价的计算方法,并给出相应的计算式,也给出零售市场交易电价的计算式。

    Some models and pricing for wholesale and retail markets are presented . The calculation methods for transaction price of three transaction modes in wholesale and retail markets are also discussed .