
pī fā jià
  • wholesale price
  1. 你可以以固定的批发价出售给他们,这样他们可以提高零售价格。

    You can sell it to them at a set wholesale price , allowing them to mark it up for retail

  2. 他们在商店里买要花五十美元,但是批发价是三十五美元。

    They cost $ 50 in the stores , but the wholesale price is $ 35 .

  3. 仓储式会员店允许会员以批发价购买商品。

    Warehouse clubs allow members to buy goods at wholesale prices

  4. 明智的做法是以批发价购进,这样可以在转卖时获得最大的利润。

    It makes sense to buy at dealer prices so you can maximize your profits if you resell .

  5. 她以《我可以用批发价卖给你》这出音乐剧中的“MissMarmelstein”这个角色,引起了公众的注意。

    She gained initial public notice with her performance as Miss Marmelstein in the musical I Can Get It for You Wholesale .

  6. 论文进一步分析了RMI下批发价内定时供应商和零售商之间的博弈情形。

    The game between the supplier and the retailer are analyzed when the wholesale price are endogenous under RMI .

  7. 一段时间以来他们都是以批发价把书卖给amazon,然后amazon自己决定售价。

    For some time they have operated a " wholesale " pricing model with Amazon under which the online retailer pays publishers for books and then decides what it charges the public for them .

  8. 接着,放松渠道零售价格相等的约束,探讨当电子渠道与传统渠道之间价格无任何限制时,制造商和零售商Stackelberg竞争模式下各自的利润、零售价以及制造商的最优批发价。

    Thirdly , relaxing the constraint for keeping retail price equal , the profit for the manufacturer and the retailer , retail price and optimal wholesale price are analyzed under Stackelberg completion between manufacturer and retailer respectively .

  9. MVNO或移动虚拟网络运营商,通常按批发价从现有运营商购买网络服务使用权,之后将其转售给自己的零售用户。

    A mobile virtual network operator , or MVNO , typically buys access to network services from an existing operator at wholesale rates , then resells to its own retail subscribers .

  10. 阿根廷限制国内燃油价格水平,把支付给YPF的批发价控制在低于国际价格的水平,这就促使Repsol投资于前景更好、干预更少的地方,例如巴西。

    It has capped domestic fuel prices and held the wholesale price it pays to YPF below the global level – an incentive for Repsol to invest in more promising and less interfering places , such as Brazil .

  11. 台湾软枝杨桃平均果重210g,可溶性固形物8.5%、总酸0.04%,平均种子数10个,周年开花结果,品质优异,市场批发价6 ̄8元/kg,效益好。

    It 's average weight is 210 g , total soluble solids are 8.5 % , total acids are 0.04 % , average seeds are 10 . The fruits all year round is with excellent quality and the price of 6 ~ 8yuan / kg .

  12. 然而,我倒是不妨告知我们的批发价。

    But , I can tell you about our wholesale price .

  13. 你一定不知道可以买到批发价。

    Bet ya didn 't know you could get it wholesale .

  14. 外生批发价下的两级供应链生产与定价问题

    Production and Pricing of Two-echelon Supply Chain under Exogenous Wholesale Price

  15. 我给你的是批发价,不是零售价。

    I give you the wholesale price , not a retail price .

  16. 批发价契约下的供应链应对突发事件

    Managing Wholesale Price Contract in the Supply Chain under Disruptions

  17. 我们只是按批发价收你的。

    We 're only charging you at our wholesale price .

  18. 这些衬衫的批发价是45美元。

    The wholesale prices of these shirts are45 dollars .

  19. 这种产品你们的批发价是多少呢?

    What 's your wholesale price on this item ?

  20. 我们的产品质量好,而且批发价很合理。

    Our products are of good quality and at a reasonable wholesale price .

  21. 他们以工厂批发价的三分之一抛售。

    Their factory marked prices are reduced by one-third .

  22. 这种上衣的批发价不到十美元。

    This coat wholesales for less than ten dollars .

  23. 恐怕不能,这已经是我们的批发价了。

    I 'm afraid I can ' t.They are our bottom wholesale prices .

  24. 以批发价买进[卖出]

    Buy [ sell ] at wholesale prices The goods are duly packed .

  25. 批发价不含运费,运费由买家支付,具体配送方式可由买家自选;

    Wholesale prices excluding freight , the freight charges paid by the buyer .

  26. 斯坦以批发价给我买了这部机器。

    Stein got the machine for me wholesale .

  27. 而大蒜,国家水平的批发价已翻了三倍。

    But with garlic , the national level of the wholesale prices have tripled .

  28. 我可以给你按批发价买到。

    I can get it for you wholesale .

  29. 可获得批发价和原始设备制造商版本。

    Quantity pricing and OEM versions are available .

  30. 我们给您的都是批发价。

    We are giving you the wholesale price .