
yōu zhì yōu jià
  • high quality and high price
  1. 青岛孕育和培养了一大批杰出的企业家,企业家作为管理型人力资本应该“优质优价”。

    Qingdao City has bred and developed a group of outstanding enterprisers , who should be regarded as management human capital with " high quality and high price " .

  2. 如何实现工程建设产品的优质优价

    How to Achieve Construction products of Top Quality attain High Price

  3. 建筑产品优质优价模式分析

    Research on the model of excellent quality and price about architectural products

  4. 农产品优质优价问题的经济学思考

    Quality and Prices of Agricultural Products & An Economics Perspective

  5. 坚持优质优价,推行订单蚕业。

    Adhere to high quality and favorable price , order the implementation of sericulture .

  6. 我公司以优质优价的产品让利于客户。

    Our company to higher prices for better quality products so that customers benefit .

  7. 每个企业应遵守优质优价的商品法规。

    Every enterprise must oBserve the commodity law of high price for high quality .

  8. 优质优价是公司的经营宗旨,交货快捷是本公司的特色;

    At competitive prices is our management purpose , fast delivery is our character ;

  9. 优质优价,次质次价,公正买卖。

    High price for high quality and low price for low quality are fair Business .

  10. 公办普通高校的学费应体现优质优价原则质优价高的汽油在溢价中。

    The quality-oriented tuition in the Chinese public universities ; premium gasoline at a premium price .

  11. 实行联产计酬、优质优价、成本否决、质量赔偿分配机制初探

    Approach to " Reward Related to Production Excellent Quality & Price Cost Voted down Compensation for Quality " Distribution System

  12. 完善农产品市场体系,培育绿色市场,实现优质优价;

    To improve agricultural market system , and nurturing " green market ", reaching the goal of excellent quality and price ;

  13. 推销这种货物的困难是难以使可能买的顾客了解优质优价的道理。

    The difficulty in selling this item is getting across to the potential customer that the higher quality justifies the higher price .

  14. 价格制定的标准应该是优质优价,次质次价。这次你把你的优先次序都给搞乱了。

    The principle of fixing prices is high price for high quality and low price for low quality . You got your priority messed up this time .

  15. 在农产品优质优价的市场机制尚不完善的时候,农户进行安全蔬菜生产更多需要通过监督和管理来保证生产过程的安全性。

    When the market mechanism of high quality and favorable price is still not complete , the farmer must be supervised and managed to guarantee the production process .

  16. 再则,“优质优价”、“一分价钱一分货”的心理,也使制造商不能仅靠物美价廉取胜。

    What 's more , the High Quality High Price , and You Get What You Pay for principals reminds the manufacturers that the SPQR strategy alone is not enough .

  17. 猪胴体分级是指根据猪胴体的一些相关经济性状,人为的将其划分为不同的等级,从而实现优质优价,促进商品猪品质的提高。

    Pig carcass grading is to grade pig carcass , based on its some characteristics , to achieve higher price with better quality and promote the improvement of quality of pig .

  18. 律师服务收费应遵循公平竞争、自愿有偿、优质优价、委托人付费的原则。

    I.The charging of lawyer service fees shall follow the principles of fair competition , voluntariness , making compensation , good quality and favorable price , and payment by the clients .

  19. 含油量的提高使油脂加工企业生产成本下降,农民也将得到优质优价带来的实惠,具有重大的产业化前景。

    The increase of the oil content resulted in the decline of the production cost for lipid processing factories . Farmers will benefit from this innovation . It had an important industrialization prospect .

  20. 完善草产品市场监管体系,制定科学的草产品质量等级标准,实行优质优价,对今后青刈黑麦产业发展至关重要。

    It is very important for forage rye industry development to built up the system of supervising of market , scientific grade standard of hay production , and matching the price with quality .

  21. 主要表现在,现行单一的价格形式体现不出优质优价的原则,不能满足目前运输行业日益细分的要求;

    These problems mainly focus on the single price form cannot embody the principle of good quality and low price , thus cannot satisfy the more and more fine sorted requirements by traffic trade .

  22. 标底编制应考虑工期、工程量、招标方要求等诸多因素,体现优质优价。

    The workout of pretender should take a consider on time limit for a project , project quantity , the demand of bidding side and so on , to embody high quality and low price .

  23. 制定了丹参饮片质量评价标准,为管理部门对中药饮片丹参的生产监督和管理提供了有力的手段,保证了丹参饮片的优质优价管理,为临床合理用药提供科学参考依据。

    To establish quality evaluation criteria providing a powerful means of production supervision and management for administrative department , ensuring high quality good price management , providing the scientific reference basis for clinical rational drug use .

  24. 农作物种子质量检验对有效控制种子质量以提高产品产量和质量、贯彻优质优价政策、保证种子贮藏运输的安全及种子产业化进程的作用举足轻重。

    The quality inspection of agricultural seeds is decisive to control seeds quality for elevating yield and quality of products , holding the balance of market price , ensuring the seeds safety during storage and transportation , and protecting the benefit of consumers .

  25. 在市场差异化方面,通过优质优价的价格差异化,短渠道、高覆盖、知识营销的渠道差异化,让用户认知和接受差异化价值,并为此支付差异化溢价。

    Concerning the issue of market differentiation , increase users ' differentiation awareness through price differentiation of high quality and reasonable price ; short-channel , high-coverage and knowledge marketing , to form channel differentiation , and make buyers accept then pay for a premium price .

  26. 认为必须在确保粮食安全的前提下实施稻米结构调整,在优质优价的市场机制尚未形成之前,农民追求的主要目标是高产而不是优质。

    It is considered that ensuring food security is the prerequisite in the adjustment of rice varieties and the high yielding instead of fine quality rice varieties are the major need of the farmers before the marketing system of high price for fine quality is established .

  27. 通过进一步深入分析,找出制约石河子市农产品质量安全管理的因素有:市场准入执行难度大,认证机构发育不良,农产品优质优价市场机制尚未完全建立等。

    Further analysis to identify the constraints of agricultural products quality safety management Shihezi factors : difficulties in the implementation of market access , certification bodies dysplasia , poor supervision of law enforcement , agricultural products at competitive prices and other market mechanisms are not yet fully established .

  28. 我厂愿为新老客户提供优质、优价的合格产品以及满意的服务。

    We are pleasure for best quality and best price on our best products , as well as good service for all customers .

  29. 展望未来,我们信心倍增,将一如既往地以优质、优价和良好的售后服务,来取国内外用户赞许。

    Looking to the future , we have doubled confidence , we 'll continue to take high-quality , good prices and good service for after-sales to get the users praise from domestic and abroad .

  30. 湖南省龙头企业基本结成了利益共同体,建立了具有适度规模效益的优质稻米生产基地,实现了优质优价,保证了大米价格的稳定和所联结农户的利益。

    Leading enterprises of high-quality rice in Hunan ensured the stability of the prices of rice and the interests of the farmers association , because of forming a basic interests of the Community , building a modest scale of high-quality rice production base and realizing high-quality products at favorable prices .